Who I let Define my Worth

Oh lovely one, I've been there. I used to measure myself against how others treated me or what they said. Giving everyone the power to dictate how I felt about myself.

And instead of knowing my true worth and value - no matter what happened or didn't happen. I was letting my value be defined by others - seeing myself as they did. Finding my worth in their opinions - which often left me lacking and wishing I was someone else.

BUT you cannot rely on others to see you as you really are - they are going through their own battles of insecurity, they won't always get it right, even if they're usually your go to person.
And sometimes they are seeing you through their own expectations and stories and assumptions.

Our value is not based on how we feel or on the opinions / actions of others, but it's intrinsically who we are. Our value can't be taken away, no matter what.

So, let's choose to find our worth in who we are, not through the eyes of others.

And when we slip and realize we've been seeing ourselves through their eyes, don't beat yourself, instead celebrate that you've noticed, that you saw through the trap, that you now have the power to choose, and see yourself as you really are - whole, complete, not lacking, worthy, and more than enough, just as you are.

πŸ‘‰πŸ» Who's eyes have you been seeing yourself through?

CHALLENGE - write down all the different people, situations, experiences that you let define you - that you see yourself through (either constantly or every now and then). And when you realize you're seeing yourself through the eyes of others - write it down too.

This will be like your worth alert map - what's taking you off track, what's making you forget, who are you giving power to etc. THEN you can be aware and brave against what's coming at you. Know what/who affects you and be ready - ready with the truth about who you really are loaded and locked.

It's a journey. We learn as we go. Be kind to yourself with each step.

πŸ’œRuth x

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