Each of us has a story. Unique and powerful.
But are you running from your story, trying to escape its pages from turning on you, feeling trapped under the heavy text that seems to follow you wherever you go, trying to hide it's contents, erase it's headings, stuff the scenes away in your pockets?
Your story was written with purpose. Not to be discarded, but to be treasured.
Those ripped edges, scuffed marks, missing pages, smudged text, torn covers... They do not make the story broken and worthless, but usually show one that is so loved and cherished.
Owning our stories and pasts can be hard, but it is the needed step to claim our future.
Your story has shaped who you are, it is part of you, it gives you those beautiful rays of colours and light that no one else has. It gives you insight like no one else has.
You may have felt like your story has been writing your life. But no more, own it and start writing your own ending - one that gives your freedom, hope and courage.
Quick tips to own your story - list what you have learnt from it, list how it has shaped you, see what meaning you have given to your story (is it correct?), SHARE YOUR STORY (one of the most powerful ways to own it!). You can create any future you desire. It starts with owning your story and putting the past in the past so your future is free for you to create endless possibilities!
It's your choice. We're standing with you! You have always been and will always be more than enough xx