We all have beautiful treasures within. Rare, unlike anyone else. The best way to discover and develop them is by sharing with others.
Your treasure complements mine! And mine complements yours.
It's not a competition but a collaborative masterpiece... When we bring all our treasures together, my goodness, the world sparkles brightly.
Let's be treasure finders. Not treasure hoarders. Let's be treasure celebrators. Not treasure critics. Let's be treasure sowers, treasure growers, treasure extractors.
We all have many, sometimes we just have to do a little digging to find out what we're really made of. And look past some of the rocks that may be holding people back from revealing their treasures.
Challenges have a way of bringing treasures to the surface / but they can also quench them. Let's use them as opportunities to discover our strengths, perseverance, courage, bravery, vulnerabilities, unique gifts and talents, characteristics, power, dreams, innate worth and value, inner beauty.
Discover and celebrate the treasures in others this week. Share your treasures too.
Image by @micigirls