Our Influence

Loved being amongst thousands of young leaders discovering what it means to MASTER THE LITTLE at the National Young Leaders Day thanks to @halogenaus

Everyone is a leader and influences those around them. Will we influence for the better?

It's all about mastering the little. Small steps, day by day. Practice. Again and again. Things don't usually happen overnight, but overtime.

Little things add up to create BIG things.
Some top tips from the day to master the little: Start where you are. Just choose one little thing to move one step closer to your goal... Not 100 leaps. But one first step. Then another.

Its about daily, consistent choices and actions.

Stay the course. It can get tough, but keep going. Each step counts.

Your daily choices matter.

Be known for integrity - honest and trustworthy character, doing what you say, saying what you mean, doing the right thing.

Know that you are more than you think you are - sometimes we limit ourselves because of how we see or think about ourselves. There's so much more potential and ability in all of us. Sometimes it has to be awakened... Usually discovered in challenges or through continual practice.

Stay brave. Keep trying. Don't give up. Fall down and get back up.

Believe in yourself - you've got this.

What little thing are you wanting to master at the moment? What's your next little step?

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