Her Success Doesn't Change Yours

Her success is NOT your failure. In fact it could be your success too.

If we are truly in this journey together (which is the best way to be), then we will be intentionally building each other up, encouraging, supporting, sharing steps, challenges, AND celebrating success.

Their success is your success, because when one of us gets it, we all benefit.
Just because they are achieving, getting results, being noticed, succeeding... Doesn't mean you are of any less value.
Let's really get this! Our worth and value can never be taken away - it is who we are. WE ARE VALUABLE. It's not something we earn but intrinsically how we are created.

So no matter what successes someone else might be achieving, it doesn't ever devalue who you are or what you're doing / achieving.

Let's be generous in celebrating others' successes - a win for them can be a win for us... It's all in your PERSPECTIVE! If we're really on their 'team' we should be cheering, knowing it's their win, not our loss. And any win for the team is the best!
Have you ever felt threatened by someone else's success? It's totally normal, but we don't wanna live ordinary lives. We've definitely been there, but everyday we get the chance to choose our reactions and actions again.

Today, let's choose to see their wins as our wins... And celebrate with them (words / actions). It's surprising how amazing it feels when we genuinely celebrate someone.
Who might you reach out to today? Who's been inspiring you? Achieving great things? Growing in strength of character? Going for their dreams? Being consistent? Who can you celebrate today? x

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