Strength Finders

Weaknesses are easy to find - in ourselves and others. But pointing out other people's weaknesses only highlights our own. It reveals our own insecurities. And you never really feel good after tearing someone down, but oh my do you feel good when you lift someone up.

It's like a surge of happy juice gets released when you look for the strengths of others and genuinely celebrate them.

Not from a place of trying to gain their approval but genuinely encouraging them, because you know their strength doesn't equal your weakness. Their win doesn't equal your failure. We all have different and unique strengths and are all growing at different rates. When we learn to really encourage others, their win becomes ours.

So what do you tend to do? Focus on the weakness or strength? And which do you point out? Let's be STRENGTH FINDERS! And speak them out - in others and ourselves.

Remember their amazing strengths are theirs - you have incredibly amazing strengths too! Don't let the green eyed monster of comparison destroy the joy of seeing the beauty and strength in others, and being brace enough to encourage them in it.

So let's be strength detectives today, with our eyes peeled really to encourage.
You got this girl! Remember, magnifying their strengths does NOT diminish yours - it's actually strength in action.

Have fun! It's such a great feeling to make someone's day - one small word of encouragement can do just that.

💜Ruth x

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