Tips For When You're Stuck

10 things to remember what you get stuck:

1. You can do anything, but not everything – David Allen.
2. Sometimes it takes more courage to ask for help than to act alone – Ken Petti.
3. If you find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn’t lead anywhere – Frank A. Clark.
4. We make a living from what we get. We make a life from what we give – Winston Churchill.
5. Someday is not a day of the week – Janet Dailey.
6. When it is dark enough, you can see stars – Charles A Beard.
7. No matter what, you are more than enough – ChooseREAL.
8. We all struggle sometimes. It's ok not to be ok right now.
9. You can choose your next step.
10. This won't last forever.

Standing with you in the journey. What's your tips when you get stuck? Let's share so we can build a little reminder for us all.
If you currently feel stuck right now, you're not alone. We're with you x 💜Ruth x

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