It takes courage to accept who you really are not who you think others want you to be. Be brave Sweet one, the real you is the best you - no matter what they say.
We’ll never feel accepted if we don’t accept ourselves. I’ve been there! Even my closest friends who would encourage me and always want to hang out and tell me how much they loved me - I use to still think that one day they’d get bored of me or just not like me anymore, because I have had that happen in the past. I’ve had close friends reject me and betray me. I’ve had friends one day be buddies and the next be so cruel. And I let these past experiences dictate my worth and acceptance.
But if I kept relying on how others treat me and relate to me, I’d never feel accepted. Because friends fails us. People don’t always know how to say what we need them to. We can’t rely on the opinions of others - they are never stable.
But we can learn to accept ourselves, just as we are - a masterpiece in progress.
Who needs to let go of finding acceptance in others? You are not alone. But you can do it! They don’t give you worth. Your worth is inside you. You can’t earn it. You can loose it. It’s part of who you are. 💜Ruth x