Spring Clean / Life Audit

Haha, the struggle is real. But just like finding lost favourite bags and brand new tees we forgot about and all sorts of treasures amongst the trash... Our lives can be full of so many blessings and treasures, but sometimes are covered up in the mess. In the busyness of life, the stresses, the challenges, the heartbreaks, the ordinary.

And we forget what we have. We start focusing on all the problems, on what we don’t have, on the mess we do have.

Sometimes, it takes a spring clean to rediscover all the treasures that have always been there.


So maybe we can take a little life audit, a spring clean, write down:
1. What takes up most of your focus?
2. What drains you?
3. What refills you?
4. What steals your contentment? Is it comparison? Unhelpful focus? Perfectionism? “Shoulds”?
5. What grounds you and helps remind you of all you have? Is it being thankful? Being around the people you love? Doing something for those in need?
6. Write a list of all the blessings you have - try and look for them under all the messes and challenges. Keep looking at and being thankful of the this list when the pile of mess keeps covering things up.
7. What do you want your focus to be on?
8. What’s one thing you can take off your plate that creating more mess?
9. What’s one thing you can add that helps clear your mind and refill you?
10. Share one of your blessings with someone - invite them in to be blessed and encouraged too.

Our lives are messy. It’s just part of living. But let’s not let the mess cover up all the gifts and treasures and blessings we have. Choose what you focus on.

A little bit of corny with truth. What’s a treasure you’ve found hidden under mess?

💜Ruth x

11 April 2018.PNG