Let's be flawsome together!! ✨ It's our weaknesses that can reveal our strengths.
Our differences that make us unique.
Our "failures" that can lead to our greatest victories.
Our past that can lead to our passion.
Our messes that can create the message we share.
Our lessons that can teach others.
Our imperfections that make us incomparably extraordinary.
So let's embrace them today!
👉🏻 Is there something you’ve been seeing as a flaw? Don’t listen to the lies of our culture telling you you’re faulty.
We’ve all got flaws / imperfections / lessons we’re learning. That’s what connects us. That’s called being human and real and relatable and remarkable.
👉🏻 You define your “flaws”. How are you going to see them today?
👉🏻 What’s one “flaw” you can embrace and celebrate today? Would you share it with us? We’d love to cheer you on.
🙋♀️ My smile is crooked and teethy >> but it brings joy and warmth to people. 🙋♀️ As a teenager, I wasn’t confident and tried to change who I was to be accepted, feeling lost and empty >> but that was the springboard that ignited my passion and gave me empathy and insight to make a difference. 🙋♀️ In high school I hated English and thought I was crap >> but I just had a unique way of writing words, words that now can make someone’s day. 🙋♀️ Compared to my twin, I’ve felt like I wasn’t “book smart” >> but I’m incredibly intelligent in my own unique way haha. No really, there’s things she could never imagine doing that I do, and there’s things I could never imagine doing that she does. We’re different! How boring if we both did and knew the exact same things!
Don’t let comparison and perfectionism steel your unique gift.
👉🏻 So lovely, what makes you FLAWSOME?
💜Ruth x