What Adventures Are You Choosing

What adventures will you embark on this weekend? Everyday is an adventure - sometimes we choose the pathway and sometimes we just land on it. But either way, we get to choose how we see it, our perspective, our responses, and what we take from each step.

We also get to add our own adventures to whatever we're facing - the adventure to choose thankfulness, to stop and rest, to find the fun, to create new possibilities, to own our story, to be kind to ourselves and others, to search for the gold, to include others in our journey, to choose REAL, to try again, to make the most of this moment.

So what adventure are you choosing today? It's your choice.

I'm choosing to let go of all the "should haves", "could haves", to take time to reflect and declutter my swirling mind, to breathe and let go of what's happened/hasn't happened, and stop and REST. I'm choosing an adventure of freedom, fun, family and food this weekend.

Adventures aren't all sunshine and rainbows, they can involve making your own path, pushing through the unknown, facing new and challenging obstacles, persevering, taking time to find your feet again... But they can also involve discovering strengths and capabilities you didn't know you had, doing things you didn't think was possible, seeing and experiencing new worlds and incredible discoveries, and finding yourself.

What adventure are you choosing? It's yours.
💜Ruth x

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