Success is a Series of Small Wins

NO ONE becomes successful overnight 💥

It may appear that way at times, but behind that one step that really launched something was MILLIONS OF SMALL STEPS that led to the breakthrough.

Small, regular steps in the right direction.

We don’t often hear about all the setbacks and failures, and times when people gave up, and years and years of working with little or no advancement, of the discouragement and rollercoasters...

But if anyone has any type of success - in their mindset, relationships, career, character etc, they have been through struggle - that’s part of life, they have learnt along the way - that’s the only way, they have taken steps forward, sideways, backwards and standstill.

So lovely, keep going, we are all on the journey of figuring it out.
But remember, YOU DEFINE WHAT SUCCESS IS - you could already be successful! 🙌🏻

And we will never “get there” because there will always be a new “there” we are striving for, so try and be content with where you’re at RIGHT NOW.

👉🏻 So, how do you define success? What does it look like for you?

It may be, when I take care of myself and those around me. Or when I am intentional with my life. Or when I am being fully me. You define it.

👉🏻 What’s your very next step to move towards that?

Cheering you on 🙌🏻

💜Ruth x

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