Have you ever not done something in fear of failure, or not seen how good something was because it wasn’t what you expected it should be?
“Perfect” is an impossible, unachievable trap.
Striving for something we can’t reach. Being blinded to what we actually do have or can do.
Always feeling less than because we can’t reach something unreachable.
So this week, let’s not let “perfect” get in the way of “good enough”.
Our BEST, sometimes changes based on what’s happening in our lives and the resources we have in that very moment, AND THATS OK.
We can do the best WE can, with what we have in THIS moment. Not someone else’s best.
🙋♀️ Who else needs to let go of perfect?
👉🏻 How can you be kind to yourself this week and really look for the moments of good enough / your best, and celebrate that!
👉🏻 How would you encourage someone else? Say it to yourself x
💜Ruth x