Garden Time

We’re always gonna live in a gap between where we are and where we want to be / our visions / dreams.

But we get to choose what we NAME that space.
We get to choose how we SEE it.

Will we lean into the gap, seeing it as a gift, not a void season of waiting (been there), but a space of purpose, of growth, of contentment, of living.

👉🏻 So where are you now? And where do you want to be / what’s your dreams / visions / goals? Let’s get clear.

👉🏻 What are you calling the space in between? How are you going to see it? What’s its purpose? How can you be inspired in this space?

Let’s see the gap as a gift!

🙋‍♀️ I’m calling my gap “Garden Time” - because this is a time of resetting foundations, pruning, growth, stopping and smelling the roses, being fruitful here and now, but also digging deeper for greater fruit to come.

👉🏻 So how bout you? What are you calling your gap? Would love to stand in the gap with you!

💜Ruth x

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