Trying New Things

This is what I need to keep reminding myself whenever I try something new or step out where I haven’t been before.

Why do we put so much pressure on ourselves to be perfect at something we’ve never done before. Or get it all right when we’re trying to change something.

It’s so unrealistic. It’s impossible to expect that.
We have to be willing to be pretty bad at something before we can get good at it.
This is not failing, it’s growing and succeeding.

Think of athletes training, how many times they miss the mark, don’t make the shot, fall down, etc. But that is all part of their training.

The more they practice, the better they get.
They keep doing it bad until they get good.

Be kind to yourself lovely! You don’t have to get it all right. You don’t have to be good at it straight away. You don’t have to know what you’re doing. You’re learning and growing!

👉🏻 What have you been really bad at when you started, that now you’re really good at? Let’s remind ourselves and celebrate!

👉🏻 What’s something new or different you want to step into? You don’t have to fear being bad - that’s where everyone starts!! And the perfect place to get good at something.

💜Ruth x

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