You Can Always Come Back

There’s no mistake too big, no path too far, no pain too deep, that grace doesn’t cover. If you find yourself feeling, “how did I get here”, “who have I become”... that is the first courageous step back.

The journey back is not so much about needing to become something, or fix yourself, but about UNBECOMING.

Letting go of everything you’re not, so you can be all that you were meant to be in the first place.

You have always been valuable and enough, but so often, we can let other things hide the truth of who we really are - like other people’s opinions, our past, comparison, unrealistic expectations etc.

It doesn’t change the fact of your value - that can never be taken away, it can just stop us from believing it.

👉🏻 So, are you on the journey of unbecoming (we all are). What are you letting go of? What is hiding your identity and value? What is stopping you from knowing you’re enough?

👉🏻 How can you help others come back to who they really are?

💜Ruth x

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