Self Talk

I can be so hard on myself. Thinking I should do better, be further ahead, know more, not slip up, basically be perfect. But that's impossible! And every time I mess up or step backwards or simply have a hard day, instead of being kind to myself, being encouraging, uplifting and understanding... I can be so critical, unforgiving, harsh and have such unrealistic expectations. I would never treat my friends the way I sometimes treat myself. BUT I'm learning to speak to myself the way I speak to those I love. Listen to my own advice. Know that wherever I am right now is ok. That every step forward (even the smallest one) matters. That it's ok not to always be ok. And that I don't need to get it right all the time. I am more than enough, just as I am.

Let's talk to ourselves with love, kindness, grace and forgiveness. Sometimes we're doing the best we can with what we have and that's enough.
Don't be too hard on yourself lovely, we're all on a journey x 💜Ruth

28 June 2016.PNG