There are so many things we believe about ourselves that just isn't true. But you are not alone. 70% of girls BELIEVE they are not good enough or don't measure up in some way. This is what we are so passionate about changing.
Maybe someone labelled you and now you think it's who you are, or something happened in your past and you let it define you (we all do this), or you've compared yourself with other people and judged yourself harshly, or can't live up to the unrealistic, impossible pressures of our culture (no one can). These experiences are NOT who you are. They don't define you.
Our culture is constantly telling us that we are NOT _________ ENOUGH.
Not pretty enough, not smart enough, not popular enough, not skinny enough, not curvy enough, not strong enough, NOT enough.
These are L I E S .
The truth is that you are MORE THAN ENOUGH, just as you are. No matter what. Your worth and value can never be taken away - we can just get blinded to all we really are because of the lies we've been believing.
So what lies might have you believed? Have you ever felt NOT ENOUGH? You are not alone.
Let's swipe the lies and replace it with the truth of who we really are.
- Write the lie down on paper.
- Tear it up, throw it in the bin, burn it (whatever works for you), but say out loud - "the lie is ______ (read it out)". Let it go.
- Replace it with the truth, "but the truth is ______ (say out loud)". Write it down somewhere you can constantly remind yourself - your mirror, post-it's, notebook, wherever you can see it.
Some of us may have been believing the lie for so long that it feels like truth - so we may need others to help us identify the lies and give us new truths.
If only you could see yourself the way we do! But you can, it just takes time and being intentional about what we believe and say to ourselves. You got this! We're cheering you on.
Wanna be brave and share what lie you are letting go of and what truth you are gonna hold onto. Love sharing the journey together.
💜Ruth x