Remember Your Worth & Value

Lovely one, it says way more about them then it does about you. Hurt people, hurt people. If someone can't see your worth, it's not because you don't have any. It's because they can't see their own worth so can't see yours.

We rarely know what's really going on for someone - their secret pain, insecurity, hardship. It's no excuse to be mean, but realizing that everyone has a story, everyone has struggles, and some people don't know any other way to deal with pain then to try and put it on someone else.

It's not about you. You don't need to take on their words and actions. You can let them fall to the ground (instead of believe them and take them on board). Remind yourself, "they mustn't be able to see their own worth right now", "I wonder what's going on in their world that's causing them to lash out". It's not about you.

Instead of fighting back or letting their words define you (been there!!!), remember your worth and value, remember they have worth and value too (just blinded by struggles), stand up for yourself with kindness and compassion. See past their meanness to see a person in pain. No excuse, but helps you realize its not about you. You can let it go. Walk away.

Maybe even find ways to encourage that bully - drop them an anonymous note reminding them that they are loved and valued.

No matter what is happening is your world right now, remember, YOU are more than enough, just as you are. You have infinite worth and value (no matter what someone says). We are for you, with you, and cheering you on. You are not alone. 💜Ruth x

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