“Thanks for being brave with your life, you’ve made me more daring with mine” - @brenebrown
✨ Your brave is yours!
Even if it doesn’t look like other people’s brave.
🙌🏻 Let’s celebrate, how have you been brave lately?
🙋♀️ Here’s mine...
I’ve been struggling with fatigue for a while lately and it’s been super discouraging and making me feel like a lazy, unproductive, useless failure (I know, not true, but that’s really how it can feel).
And I found myself feeling so flat and weary. Throwing myself a few pity parties. Just too exhausted to do something helpful.
But my brave is, that I went to a doctor last week to get a mental health plan so I can see a physiologist - to get some strategies that may help.
I’ve realized this fatigue journey is not one I can just fix, it’s something I need to walk through and may take a while, so I want to walk it out well - and even thrive in it, not just survive.
We all need help at times, and right now, I need some. I haven’t walked this path before, so looking for a travel guide to help me find my way.
👉🏻 So what’s your brave, big or small? Would love to celebrate with you!⠀
💜Ruth x
📸 by our lovely friend @jessrachelsharp