Perfectly Imperfect

“Stop trying to 'fix' yourself; you're NOT broken! You are perfectly imperfect and powerful beyond measure.” ― Steve Maraboli

Yes you.

Who said you had to be perfect? It’s a lie. It’s an impossible expectation. It is our imperfections that make us unique and gifted. Not disqualified. Not lacking. Not broken.

We all have them. But they are all so beautifully different.

Let’s start seeing our imperfections and differences as the rare treasures they are.
Instead of trying to hide them or wish them away, let’s embrace them and celebrate what makes us unique - perfectly imperfect x

What’s something you can start embracing as a treasure? x

My smile can be crooked and gummy, but it brings joy and comfort to those around me. My eyes don’t always work that well, but what they do see is the beauty in people. My hands have scars on them, but they create resources to empower others. My legs are not super toned or tanned (who says they have to be), but they carry me around to experience life... When we look for the strengths, for the blessings, we find them.

So how bout you? What are your perfect imperfections. Let’s celebrate them x
💜Ruth x

29 April 2018.PNG