Choosing our Attitude

Boom! We rub off on people whether we mean to or not. What we do makes an impact. How we act makes an impact. Our attitudes make an impact. Good or bad. And we get to choose what kind of impact we leave.

We can turn the whole situation around with the right attitude and focus. We can change someone’s day (including our own). Our attitude and actions are sometimes all we have control of, so let’s make sure we choose ones that help us and others.

Your attitude can help you saw above your circumstances, or make you feel trapped. And we get to choose.

I don’t always choose the right attitude and it definitely affects my whole day(s), until I stop and choose what I actually want. When we look for the good, choose to be thankful, see the opportunity and possibilities, choose forgiveness and kindness (for others and ourselves), find the gold in the dirt, choose to focus on what IS working, what we DO have etc. It can change everything. Even if our circumstances don’t change. Our attitudes really make all the difference - for the better or worse.

So, let’s make our attitude worth catching! How are you walking into today? What attitude/focus/perspective are you choosing? x

I’m choosing to see today as a fresh new day full of blessings I’ll find (some I might need to treasure hunt a little), but they’re there if I look for them. Already found a few.

What attitude are you choosing? x
💜Ruth x

19 April 2018.PNG