Dear Stress, Let's Break Up

It’s time! It’s over. You don’t serve me well. Take a deep breath and say goodbye.

I think sometimes we feed on stress, on drama, on busyness, thinking it’s helping us, pushing us forward, entertaining us, that it’s a great relationship. But then before we even realize, it’s sucking us dry.

We all get stressed. But let’s not hold its hand and stay friends. As soon as we realize stress is clinging close, let’s break up.

Here’s a few quick steps to break up.
1. Breathe - in and out slowly.
2. Tell stress it’s over - you don’t even have to have a reason.
3. Replace it with a new friend - joy, peace, bravery, perspective, thankfulness ++
4. Have a party with your new friend. Focus on it, talk about it, share it with others.

What are you breaking up with? What are you replacing it for? x

Let’s start this week choosing what we do life with x
💜Ruth x

7 May 2018.PNG