The Real Treasure Within

🙌🏻👊🏻 BOOM! I know I defined my worth by my looks for far too long. Always feeling less than. Always feeling insecure.

Worrying what other people thought.
Letting comparison rob me of enjoying me and enjoying life.
We can get so caught up on our outer shell, that it’s left empty inside.
But what’s more important - the jar that contains the Nutella, or what’s inside? ☕️
Our worth, purpose, identity, value comes from who we are NOT what we look like.
The gold comes from what’s inside our shell / body.

👉🏻 So let’s focus on nourishing our inner being - our hearts, our souls, our character, our minds, our dreams.

🎁 Your body is just a vessel to carry all those treasures - a treasure chest, the real gold is within.

🙋‍♀️ Plus, when I was ending high school, I got to a point where I was like, if people only like me because of how I look, or don’t like me because of my looks, they are no friends at all. I don’t want to hang out with people like that. My friends like me because of WHO I AM, not what I look like.

👉🏻 So do you let your soul be defined by its shell?

How can you see the real treasure is within?

🙋‍♀️ How bout writing down what’s in your treasure chest - all your strengths, amazing characteristics, your heart, your mind, what makes you unique, your dreams, what you admire about yourself etc.

Your treasure is within x

💜Ruth x

3 July 2018.PNG