Feeling Feelings

Who’s with me? I mean feelings aren’t bad and thinking of course isn’t, but sometimes we can feel trapped in our feelings and overthinking.

Not letting the feeling or thought come and go like waves on the sand, but instead it pull us into the deep swirling waters, even to the point of being so consumed by them it’s almost like we’re drowning in our thoughts and feelings.

🙋‍♀️ I’ve been there!

Then sometimes we try to block out feelings and thoughts in fear of the whirl pool.

But that doesn’t help either.

👉🏻 We need to feel. We need to think.

But how can we let ourselves really feel and really process without being pulled under?

🙌🏻 I think we need to establish the TRUTH as our firm foundation first.

Something that grounds us, and keeps us on the shore as we wade in one step at a time.

✨ The truth of who you really are.

So that whatever the circumstance, whatever the feeling, whatever the unhelpful thought, you can compare it to the truth to find your way back out.

Like having your passport packed, so you know how to get home.

Truth brings freedom. Truth grounds you.

👉🏻 So what’s your truth that you can hold onto when everything around you is swirling and you feel like your drowning?

Write it down, so you have it ready to remind you when you can’t find your way out.

Here’s one to get you started...


👉🏻 Your turn.

Will you share with us? Your truth might just empower someone else’s.

When everything’s swirling, go back to truth.

💜Ruth x