Growing Opportunities

So much freedom in this attitude >> what challenge are you facing right now?

Let’s ask ourselves,
- “how am I going to grow through this?”,
- “what strengths of mine are going to shine?”,
- “what can I learn about myself?”
- “who can I talk to, to help me grow?”

We always have a choice how we face any situation.

We could complain, give up, beat ourselves up, blame others, get bitter, (done that, isn’t fun)...
We could see every setback, challenge and struggle as a growing opportunity, search for the gold within, see our character refined, be kind to ourselves as we figure it out...

There is so much power in your attitude. It changes how you experience everything.
You can choose how you will experience what you’re facing. Choose your attitude.

👉🏻 So, what attitude are you choosing today?

💜Ruth x

7 Feb 2019.PNG