Reframing our Perspective

Hey sweets, here’s a few ways you can reframe and get freedom this week...

No matter what we go through, we can reframe it and find freedom. We get to choose our focus. We get to choose our perspective.

Here’s a few helpful questions:

1. Where is my focus? 🌻 What you focus on is what you experience. So what do you want to experience? Focus on that.

2. What can I learn from this? 🌻 There is always something we can learn from every experience, good or bad. So ask yourself, what can I learn from this, how can I grow, how can I help others with what I’ve gone through.

3. Truth or fact? 🌻 Our experiences may be telling us one thing - we failed, we were rejected, we were labelled, but that’s not the truth. The truth is deeper than the facts. The truth is, no matter what happens, or what’s said, you are always more than enough, always worthy and valuable. We are not define by our experiences.

4. What step can I stop and celebrate? 🌻 Every win, big or small. Sometimes we don’t see the small steps of progress because we’re focusing on the giant leaps of change. But usually change is gradual, little by little, every step counts. We gotta stop and celebrate along the way.

5. What am I thankful for? 🌻 By constantly looking out for the good, you will find it. Being thankful really shifts our perspective and mood.

👉🏻 So lovely, how are you going to frame your week, or reframe it?

💜Ruth x

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