Our Minds are Made for Thinking

💥👊🏻 Not every thought we think is actually true or helpful. In fact, for most of us, our thoughts are usually tearing us down, not building us up.

We tend to focus on what’s wrong with us, instead of what’s right with us.
We tend to be our own worst critic, harsh, unrealistic and unforgiving.
Saying things to ourselves that we would never say to a dear friend.
Believing lies, labels, and opinions, being blinded to the truth of who we really are.

We tend to give way more air-time to all the challenges and problems over all the blessings and opportunities.

Our minds are so powerful!

✨ Whatever thoughts we constantly think about and agree with actually grow.

👉🏻 So do you have a garden of healthy thoughts in your mind or toxic thoughts pulling you down?

✨ There is HOPE! Our brains can change.

✨ We can rewire our brains by choosing the thought we agree with and constantly think about.

We can’t control what thoughts pop up, but we can choose whether we invite them in to have a chat and agree with them or if we kick them out the door.

👉🏻 So what’s just one thought / lie you are going to try and kick out when it comes today?
👉🏻 And what is one truth you can hold onto when that thought comes. Replace it. Invite truth in.

If you need help finding the truth, we are here for you! Sometimes when we’ve been believing a lie for so long, it feels so much like truth to us.

Standing with you lovely! Let’s do some gardening on our thoughts.

💜Ruth x