Rachelle Hosking 19 October 2021 Self-Acceptance Loving Yourself Harder Rachelle Hosking 19 October 2021 Self-Acceptance Instead of waiting for the praise or approval of others - you can get it instantly from you - accepting yourself, knowing you are worthy and belong right here right now, regardless of circumstances.
Rachelle Hosking 19 October 2021 Self-Acceptance Forgive Yourself Rachelle Hosking 19 October 2021 Self-Acceptance "It’s interesting how often we can’t see the ways in which we are being strong." – Lena Dunham
Rachelle Hosking 19 October 2021 Self-Talk / Mindset Your Words Matter Rachelle Hosking 19 October 2021 Self-Talk / Mindset Your words matter. Here’s some helpful ways to practice speaking to ourselves…
Rachelle Hosking 19 October 2021 Compassion Self-Compassion Rachelle Hosking 19 October 2021 Compassion “A moment of self-compassion can change your entire day. A string of such moments can change the course of your life.” Christopher K. Germer