What change can we make if we are just imitating everything around us.
It takes courage and strength to be the difference, to take a stand, to go against the crowd.
But here's the good news: • You have more courage and strength than you know • You will find such satisfaction and purpose when you choose to be your REAL self, and not blend in to the world • Then without even knowing it - you are influencing others, bringing freedom, hope and courage by simply being YOU.
Boldness comes with a price, but it also comes with a prize.
Be the difference you want to see. It all starts with us.
What can you do today to be a little different to the world and a little more like you? x
Take Your Body to the Beach!
"Your Best Body Yet!" "Are You Ready to Hit the Beach?"
"Tight and Toned For Summer!" These sorts of magazine article are EVERYWHERE now its warming up for summer; making us feel like we have to have our "super-lean-beach-body passes" ready before we can hit the sand.
When did how we look become a factor in how much we enjoy the beach?
Does a flat tummy make the water any cooler? Or a thigh gap make the sun any warmer?
Instead we should be thankful we even have beautiful beaches we can go to, with bodies that have strong healthy arms and legs to swim with! x
Self Talk
Your S E L F T A L K matters and can shape your life.
Are you speaking worth, value, kindness, grace, acceptance, love, understanding, caring, encouragement over your life << OR >> being harsh to yourself, unforgiving, demanding, unkind, unrealistic, pressured.
Self talk check up - today, notice how you speak to yourself (or think) when good things happen, challenges arise, mistakes are made etc... How do you speak to yourself? Like a loved one or enemy?
Self talk booster - come up with a positive statement and repeat it over your life at least 7 times throughout the day.
E.g. I am capable and strong. I am valuable wherever I go. I have so much to offer and can bring joy to others. I am loved, I belong, and I am enough. I've got this. I am beautiful... Whatever speak to you. Repeat repeat repeat x
Your Worth
Your worth cannot be measured, it is infinite. Your worth cannot be removed, it is intrinsic. Your worth cannot be lost, it is always within - no matter what has happened, what you did, what they did, what you have or don't have, the path you took, the things that were said. You always have worth, and you are more than enough, just as you are!
Will you stand with us? We want to see a shift in our culture of girls (and everyone) embracing and celebrating their REAL identity and value, and living the life they CHOOSE.
Together, let's share the truth that WE ARE MORE THAN ENOUGH, just as we are.
Be You
Be Brave . Be YOU . Be Free.
Today, BE BRAVE by stepping out of the unrealistic expectations of others, the pressures to be what other people want, to prove ourselves.
And just BE YOU. Be real (whatever that means for you), celebrate your unique qualities, embrace your imperfections, be true to your own values and interests, be whoever YOU want to be.
And BE FREE! Free of comparison, striving, people-pleasing. Free to dream again, to do what you really love, to give generously, share authentically, encourage others in their journey.
You've totally got this! It doesn't matter if you don't get it all right, one step in this direction is a big win! What can you do today to be a little braver, a little more of you, and a little freer? One step x
Just Be
You don't need to prove yourself or your worth. You don't need to change who you are to fit in. You don't need to hustle for approval and acceptance. You don't need to strive after unrealistic expectations to give you value.
Who you are is enough - MORE THAN ENOUGH. Don't listen to the lies of our culture dictating how you should look, act and live in order to be enough. You already are. So just be! Just be YOU! It's YOU that the world needs.
Let go of others' expectations today and just be. Breathe. Just be whoever YOU choose to be x
Choose Joy
Today I will C H O O S E J O Y!
Today, let's not dwell on the past or worry about / wish we were in the future (anxiety breeds when we stop here too long).
x . o
Let's instead be in the present! Be in the moment. Right here, where you are. See what's REALLY happening all around you (not what should have, could of, would be).
x . o
Joy is found in seeing what is right in front of you (there is always good things all around you, sometimes we're just too focused on past / future to see anything else. So take off those lenses and enjoy really seeing xx
Speak Life
"If the words you spoke - about yourself and others - suddenly appeared on your face, would you still be beautiful? - Collete Werden . . .
Great questions to ponder. What do you say about yourself, how do you speak about others? Do we need a words lift (like a face-lift haha)... But seriously, let's let our true beauty shine through by being people who speak life and worth over others and ourselves. We are all worth it and more than enough!
What word or phrase can you delete from your vocabulary today? Let's do this together! x
You Have Worth
Your worth cannot be measured, it is infinite. Your worth cannot be removed, it is intrinsic. Your worth cannot be lost, it is always within - no matter what has happened, what you did, what they did, the path you took, the things that were said. You have worth, and you are more than enough, just as you are!