Yes you! Just because you matter too. Here are a few DIY Home Spa Treatments. Get ready for fun and relaxation.
Take some time to just be. Either create space for just you to breathe, or invite some friends over to share together... Whatever way you best feel energized.
Just do something for you today - it's not selfish, it's actually helping the people around you. When you are feeling more whole, you'll be able to be more there for them.
So invest in them by investing in you. And enjoy!!!
DIY Home Spa Treatments (base recipe):
- relaxing bath = rosewater + coconut milk
- skin moisturizer = honey + olive oil
- facial / body scrub = honey + brown sugar
- lip scrub = un-petroleum jelly + raw sugar
Add any herbs, spices, citrus, tropical fruits, essential oils, chocolate you want. Create creative with your add-ons... Or follow full recipes to suit your style.
More recipes and links on our Facebook page.
Hope you have some time to refresh today x
Love is an Action
Yes, you. Love is action. Self-love is not how you feel about yourself. It’s what you do for yourself. You can only fully love yourself by DOING, not by just simply thinking.
Loving and accepting yourself is a journey and a daily choice, followed by daily actions.
It's not always easy, and we certainly don't always "feel" like loving and accepting ourselves... Especially when our reflection disappoints us, or we don't do well in an exam or let our friends down, get ourselves into a dangerous situation, or fall short of our goal, don't get that job we wanted, break up, mess up, stuff up, feel guilt and shame... It can be hard to "feel" love and acceptance in these moments/seasons.
But loving and accepting ourselves is more than a feeling, it's an action - even when we don't necessarily feel it.
It's about making DAILY CHOICES to love and accept yourself.
Choosing daily to nurture your health - eating well, sleeping, exercising, resting.
Choosing daily to refill and refresh - doing something that energizes you, that gives you joy and peace, time out, time to relax, rejuvenate.
Choosing daily to grow your mind - learn, discover, try something new, practice mindfulness, create solutions.
Choosing daily to be kind to yourself - forgive yourself, allow yourself to learn from mistakes, to take positive risks, to stop, to enjoy good things.
Choosing daily to allow your REAL self to be seen, being honest with where you're at, letting others in, expressing your passions, interests, opinions, talents, skills, loves. -
What can you DO today to show yourself love and acceptance? -
Start wherever you're at. Even one small action. You, just as much as anyone in the entire universe deserves your love and affection.
The more actions you take towards loving and accepting yourself >> the easier it gets >> you start to break down mindset barriers >> you start to FEEL loved and accepted >> life seems lighter >> you're able to better love and accept others... Let's take this journey together.
Let's share and encourage each other x
"One terrible truth I've discovered is that sometimes we don't just have a bad day or a bad month, sometimes we have a a bad year. Sometimes we feel like we have no control over the endless waves of bad luck we seem to be experiencing. But one thing you do have control over is your outlook. Your mindset is yours to control and as hard as it is to step back from the situation and have blind faith that things will change for the better, it's our only option other than ending up in a downward spiral." - Taylor Swift
Yeah girl! It's time for a MINDSET CHECK. You get to choose your outlook. Even if it seems like you're stuck in the mud, you get to choose how you view it! Maybe it's a great opportunity for a rejuvenating mud bath, or a messy slip 'n' slide, or bringing back childhood mud pies! YOU get to label your situation. You get to choose how you see it. You get to choose how you will react.
Quick Tip - Step back from your situation and imagine you were giving advice to a dear friend who was in your same situation. What would you tell them? What would you encourage them to do? Listen to those wise words.
If you feel so stuck in your situation, that's when it's great to call out for help. We all need help at times and this journey is so much better when we travel along with others. So reach out to someone and take some steps together.
You get to CHOOSE... #ChooseREAL.
What are You Speaking Over Your Life
"Let's speak to ourselves the way we speak to our loved ones" - Brene Brown. What words are you speaking over your life and others? Are you building up or tearing down? Are you imparting confidence or stealing it? Are you speaking truth or lies? Are you helping or hindering? Are you rejoicing or rejecting? Are you encouraging or criticizing? Are you speaking life or death/destruction? x
Your words and thoughts have such power. Let's make a conscious effort to speak worth, value, strength, understanding, kindness, encouragement, hope over our own lives and those around us.
What we say to ourselves affects how we connect with others, and what we say to others affects how we relate to ourselves.
So let's use our words to empower ourselves and those around us.
Repeat with us:
I am / you are loved and valued.
I am / you are wanted and belong.
I am / you are strong.
I am / you are capable of amazing things - and capable to face the little constant things too.
I have / you have infinite worth.
I am / you are smart and able to make decisions that empower me.
I am / you are brave.
I have / you have purpose.
I am / you are MORE THAN ENOUGH.
Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Everyday as you will be rewiring your thought patterns / brain.
You can also write your own list! Share with us to encourage others and take a stand for yourself. We are standing with you x