Just Breathe

Breathe, just breathe. Starting another week can be tough for some of us, feeling already so exhausted and even overwhelmed before we've even started. But remember, you made it through last week, and the week before, and the week before that. And you'll make it through this week too.
Let's reframe our perspective and focus, so we don't keep dwelling on the challenges but feel energized and inspired.
Here's a few things we can do, we'll be doing them with you:
• write down everything that's on your mind - all your to dos, your concerns, thoughts etc. Get them out of your mind and onto paper, where you can start to sort through them and find solutions, let go of things you can't change and do the things you can.
• prioritize - what are the top 3 things you need to get done today
• remind yourself and celebrate your wins - write down 3 things you've overcome or achieved last week - can be big or small... Like finished or started something, got through something, learnt something etc. • write down 3 different things you're thankful for everyday - really boosts your perspective
• do something you love everyday - even if it's just for 5 mins. Something that brings you joy and satisfaction, something you're passionate about, something for you
• keep your focus on your WHY not the challenge or task. When you start to feel overwhelmed, it's usually because you are so focused on the task or challenges. Step back, look up and remind yourself of why you're doing what you're doing, the passion, the meaning, the value behind it. Focus on that - let that be the motivator. You can even put it up somewhere you can see it regularly - words, statement, pictures, whatever inspires you and reminds you of your why.
• remind yourself of your worth and value. Your words create reality. So speak words of life over you and those around you. Repeat: I AM WORTHY. I BELONG. I AM STRONG. I AM... You fill in the blank. Remind yourself and continually repeat until you believe and live out what you're saying.
Breathe. You've got this. It's a brand new day and you are more than capable.
Share where you're at, how some of these points went, what are your tips to start the week x

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