Excuses or Discipline

We can make an excuse for everything. But do we want our lives to be a series of excuses or of actions, exciting experiences, growth, goals achieved, habits changed, adventures, living life to the full? You are strong. Your excuses can be strong too. But you get to choose who wins.

Recently I heard a definition of DISCIPLINE that really helped >> Discipline is choosing between what you want NOW and what you want MOST.

The short-term pay off OR the long-term prize.

The short-term pay off (instant pleasure / desire, temporary comfort, wants etc) OR the long-term prize (lasting change, deeper desire, growth, maturity, lasting pleasure, joy, peace, health etc). xo
We get to choose the pain. The pain of discipline now or the pain of excuses, consequences and regret later. We get to choose which pain we embrace

Yes it can be painful to not give in to excuses - it's tough! It can feel more comfortable, easy and safe to make excuses. But stepping out, being disciplined, taking risks, making changes may feel painful/challenging to start but well worth it.

So lovely friend, what will you CHOOSE? We're standing with you and cheering you on. We've all got excuses and things we need to be disciplined in. Let's do this together.

What excuses do you hear yourself repeating? What excuses do you want to let go of? What do you need to be disciplined in? You are strong enough. You are not alone x
💜Ruth x

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