“I stopped comparing myself to whomever I thought I was suppose to be” 🙌🏻 @msrachelhollis
So this journey of choosing REAL has been awesome but also really challenging.
There’s been times I’ve felt like a fake, struggling myself with the things I’m empowering girls in (I do share honestly and let them know we’re all in this together).
Feeling like a failure, because I’m relearning the lessons again in a new way. Knowing how I would encourage someone else, but instead listening to the inner critic tear me down.
Telling myself, you’re SUPPOSE to be the expert, you’re SUPPOSE to be stronger, you’re SUPPOSE to have it all together, you’re SUPPOSE to be happy and content and good all the time. You’re SUPPOSE to be married already. You’re SUPPOSE to be a better daughter, sister, friend. You’re SUPPOSE to...
But it’s all a lie. It’s not reality.
We’re not suppose to be anything other than who we really are.
We’re not suppose to be in any other season than the one we’re in.
Let’s not compare ourselves to the false “supposed to” version of ourselves. The unrealistic, unattainable, incomplete versions.
YOU, as you are, right now, in this moment, are MORE THAN ENOUGH, just as you are.
👉🏻 So what or who are you comparing yourself to? Do you have a faulty “supposed to” version that you’re beating yourself up for not measuring up to?
Write that “supposed to” version down. Then cross it out. Scrunch the paper. Throw it out. That’s not who you have to be. You get to choose.
👉🏻 who are you choosing to be today?
Don’t forget, no matter what, you are more than enough!
💜Ruth x