
Own Your Worth

Approve of yourself. Accept yourself. Own your worth. Practice daily and you'll gradually come to realize that you never needed approval from anyone else to feel whole and happy. Only from yourself.
How would letting go of your concern of what others think free you to express yourself more authentically? What would you do differently if you didn't care what others may say or think?
Love this quote from our amazing advocate @margiewarrell in her new book BRAVE.

6 June 2016.PNG

You Are You

Love this. Be careful what you are speaking over your life. Labels aren't helpful. They don't give you freedom to move and change. They don't speak truth. Don't box yourself in.
Speak truth. Speak life. Speak freedom.
You are NOT your past. You have a past, we all do. You are NOT your struggles. You have struggles, we all do. You are NOT your fears. You have fears, we all do. You are NOT your mistakes, you make mistakes, we all do. You are NOT your weakness. You have weaknesses, we all do. You are NOT your experiences, you have experiences, we all do.

You are you. Don't let these things define you. Allow them to teach you, grow you, inspire you.
Start afresh this week, knowing you can be whoever you choose to be - labels free x

9 May 2016.PNG

Her Success Doesn't Change Yours

Her success is NOT your failure. In fact it could be your success too.

If we are truly in this journey together (which is the best way to be), then we will be intentionally building each other up, encouraging, supporting, sharing steps, challenges, AND celebrating success.

Their success is your success, because when one of us gets it, we all benefit.
Just because they are achieving, getting results, being noticed, succeeding... Doesn't mean you are of any less value.
Let's really get this! Our worth and value can never be taken away - it is who we are. WE ARE VALUABLE. It's not something we earn but intrinsically how we are created.

So no matter what successes someone else might be achieving, it doesn't ever devalue who you are or what you're doing / achieving.

Let's be generous in celebrating others' successes - a win for them can be a win for us... It's all in your PERSPECTIVE! If we're really on their 'team' we should be cheering, knowing it's their win, not our loss. And any win for the team is the best!
Have you ever felt threatened by someone else's success? It's totally normal, but we don't wanna live ordinary lives. We've definitely been there, but everyday we get the chance to choose our reactions and actions again.

Today, let's choose to see their wins as our wins... And celebrate with them (words / actions). It's surprising how amazing it feels when we genuinely celebrate someone.
Who might you reach out to today? Who's been inspiring you? Achieving great things? Growing in strength of character? Going for their dreams? Being consistent? Who can you celebrate today? x

28 April 2016.PNG

Shifting Your Focus

What will you choose to focus on today? The sweet or sour? Keep a lookout for all the blessings and gifts around you. Stay thankful. This will really shift your perspective and outlook.
It's not about denying all the challenges and sour patches you may feel stuck in, or saying they don't matter.
But instead, shifting your focus so even in the middle of pain, confusion, challenge - you experience all that's wonderful and good around you. There is always things to be thankful for.

Ruth - I know yesterday, I focused too much on all the challenges I was facing, on all the set backs, the disappointments... And as a result, I felt drained and down and very overwhelmed. All those things are still the same, but this morning I'm CHOOSING to focus on the sweet instead. See challenges as opportunities, see set-backs as waiting for something better, turning my mind to remember and search for all the blessings and gifts around me. "Whatever you focus on is what you get, to the exclusion of everything else" - Brett White.
So today, we want to focus on what gives us life, joy, meaning, purpose, peace - and that is what we will experience.
What will you choose to focus on today? x

15 April 2016.PNG

Belonging Starts With Self-Acceptance

“The truth is: Belonging starts with self-acceptance. Your level of belonging, in fact, can never be greater than your level of self-acceptance, because believing that you’re enough is what gives you the courage to be authentic, vulnerable and imperfect.” -Brene Brown

It all starts with how you see yourself. If we don’t accept ourselves, how can we expect others to? It starts with believing that we are enough.

Take this first step today and whisper to yourself, “I am enough”. Repeat and repeat again. Sing it, write it, draw it, shout it, create it... However works best for you. The more you repeat, the more your brain creates new thought patterns, so keep this truth in your pocket all day long.

We’d love to share in your journey - tag us in your expression of “I am enough” so we can celebrate the steps with you.

27 Jan 2016.PNG

Take Your Body to the Beach!

"Your Best Body Yet!" "Are You Ready to Hit the Beach?"
"Tight and Toned For Summer!" These sorts of magazine article are EVERYWHERE now its warming up for summer; making us feel like we have to have our "super-lean-beach-body passes" ready before we can hit the sand.
When did how we look become a factor in how much we enjoy the beach?
Does a flat tummy make the water any cooler? Or a thigh gap make the sun any warmer?
Instead we should be thankful we even have beautiful beaches we can go to, with bodies that have strong healthy arms and legs to swim with! x

2 Dec 2015.PNG

Owning Your Story

Each of us has a story. Unique and powerful.
But are you running from your story, trying to escape its pages from turning on you, feeling trapped under the heavy text that seems to follow you wherever you go, trying to hide it's contents, erase it's headings, stuff the scenes away in your pockets?

Your story was written with purpose. Not to be discarded, but to be treasured.
Those ripped edges, scuffed marks, missing pages, smudged text, torn covers... They do not make the story broken and worthless, but usually show one that is so loved and cherished.
Owning our stories and pasts can be hard, but it is the needed step to claim our future.
Your story has shaped who you are, it is part of you, it gives you those beautiful rays of colours and light that no one else has. It gives you insight like no one else has.
You may have felt like your story has been writing your life. But no more, own it and start writing your own ending - one that gives your freedom, hope and courage.
Quick tips to own your story - list what you have learnt from it, list how it has shaped you, see what meaning you have given to your story (is it correct?), SHARE YOUR STORY (one of the most powerful ways to own it!). You can create any future you desire. It starts with owning your story and putting the past in the past so your future is free for you to create endless possibilities!
It's your choice. We're standing with you! You have always been and will always be more than enough xx

23 Nov 2015.PNG

Your Story has a Purpose

Own YOUR story, not one you wish you had. Maybe you think yours is not as sparkly as someone else's or not adventurous enough or too damaged. These are lies.
Your story is yours, and should be celebrated just as it is - no edits or re-takes. The past cannot be changed, but the future is full of new possibilities. Your story has incredible purpose. Your story is a foundation (even the bad right now will one day seem essential to your purpose). Your story can empower others.
Your story is worth being shared. It can take vulnerability and courage, but that's where the magic happens and you begin to OWN YOUR STORY, instead of your story owning you. And it all starts with sharing it honestly.
Who in your life is a safe person to start the conversation? Share a snippet of your journey. Share the one thing that's holding you back or that you've locked away in the deepest parts of your mind - share that and begin to feel freed. Your story has purpose x

21 Oct 2015.PNG