Perspective / Mindset

From Competing to Completing

Shift your focus - FROM competing, comparing and criticizing others TO completing, complementing and connecting with others.

Instead of finding ways to make yourself look good, look for the good in others.
Instead of trying to prove yourself, stop and remember you are enough.

Instead of comparing with those around you, celebrate each others’ strengths, unique characteristics and value. Their strengths, do not diminish yours, but add to you - we all need each other.

Instead of feeling threatened by others, see them as opportunities to grow, learn and connect.

Instead of tearing down, let’s build others up.

Who can you encourage today and find a way to add value to their life? Complete NOT compete.

We all have something to offer x

27 Jan 2016 2.PNG

Belonging Starts With Self-Acceptance

“The truth is: Belonging starts with self-acceptance. Your level of belonging, in fact, can never be greater than your level of self-acceptance, because believing that you’re enough is what gives you the courage to be authentic, vulnerable and imperfect.” -Brene Brown

It all starts with how you see yourself. If we don’t accept ourselves, how can we expect others to? It starts with believing that we are enough.

Take this first step today and whisper to yourself, “I am enough”. Repeat and repeat again. Sing it, write it, draw it, shout it, create it... However works best for you. The more you repeat, the more your brain creates new thought patterns, so keep this truth in your pocket all day long.

We’d love to share in your journey - tag us in your expression of “I am enough” so we can celebrate the steps with you.

27 Jan 2016.PNG

Life is Like Photography

Life is like photography - you need the negatives to develop.

Love this! Our challenges, trials, difficulties, struggles, times of waiting, heartbreak... All time take to develop into something beautiful... Character, strength, perspective, new beginnings.

But at the time, they can seem clouded in darkness, empty, no meaning, no light, hopeless, ruined... Just like a blank photo that the negatives haven't yet been developed.
BUT once those negatives have been developed (in darkness) they produce such incredible pictures of beauty... Just like you and me.

So yes! These challenging times are hard, but keep pressing through because what you can create out of it, can be the most beautiful picture of all.

TIPS during these times... keep looking for the light in your circumstances / life (what are you thankful for, what makes you happy - search for these things). Ask yourself, what can I learn through this? Who can I encourage today (it's incredible how taking our focus off our own situation and uplifting someone else can bring such freedom to us). Write down your reflections from the day, what could you do tomorrow to change just one thing? Talk to someone you trust / seek help. Remember that no matter what you're facing, you are more than enough! xx

14 Dec 2015.PNG

How Full is Your Emotional Tank?

How full is your tank? There are so many things that can drain AND refill our emotional tanks. It's really important that we know what does what, and do more of the things that REFILLS our tanks, especially when we feel empty.
What energizes you? Refreshes you? Boosts your confidence? Helps you feel happy, content, peaceful, loved?
What drains you? Leaves you flat, unmotivated, disappointed, empty, discouraged, exhausted, on edge, overwhelmed, stressed out?
Here are 3 things you can do TODAY to FILL YOUR TANK: • TIME OUT - rest, relax, step back from busyness, stop and breathe, recharge.
E.g. Sit and listen to music, practice mindfulness, have a bubble bath, pray, get even just a few minutes on your own, colour in, go for a walk. • ENJOYMENT - do things you love, recreational activities, fun, favourite hobbies, adventures. Include laughing as much as possible - so good for your mind and body.
E.g. Get out in nature, bake, get creative, read, play board games, dive into a new activity, do sports, hang out with friends. • BE THANKFUL - stop and list of all the things you're thankful for. Say them aloud for an even bigger impact.
What can you do today to fill your emotional tank? Let's go into the week FULL!! Share your ideas with us to encourage others x

6 Dec 2015.PNG

Take Your Body to the Beach!

"Your Best Body Yet!" "Are You Ready to Hit the Beach?"
"Tight and Toned For Summer!" These sorts of magazine article are EVERYWHERE now its warming up for summer; making us feel like we have to have our "super-lean-beach-body passes" ready before we can hit the sand.
When did how we look become a factor in how much we enjoy the beach?
Does a flat tummy make the water any cooler? Or a thigh gap make the sun any warmer?
Instead we should be thankful we even have beautiful beaches we can go to, with bodies that have strong healthy arms and legs to swim with! x

2 Dec 2015.PNG

Owning Your Story

Each of us has a story. Unique and powerful.
But are you running from your story, trying to escape its pages from turning on you, feeling trapped under the heavy text that seems to follow you wherever you go, trying to hide it's contents, erase it's headings, stuff the scenes away in your pockets?

Your story was written with purpose. Not to be discarded, but to be treasured.
Those ripped edges, scuffed marks, missing pages, smudged text, torn covers... They do not make the story broken and worthless, but usually show one that is so loved and cherished.
Owning our stories and pasts can be hard, but it is the needed step to claim our future.
Your story has shaped who you are, it is part of you, it gives you those beautiful rays of colours and light that no one else has. It gives you insight like no one else has.
You may have felt like your story has been writing your life. But no more, own it and start writing your own ending - one that gives your freedom, hope and courage.
Quick tips to own your story - list what you have learnt from it, list how it has shaped you, see what meaning you have given to your story (is it correct?), SHARE YOUR STORY (one of the most powerful ways to own it!). You can create any future you desire. It starts with owning your story and putting the past in the past so your future is free for you to create endless possibilities!
It's your choice. We're standing with you! You have always been and will always be more than enough xx

23 Nov 2015.PNG

What Does Choosing Real Look Like for You?

We could challenge you to Choose REAL today and act on it.
But being real can take time to figure out what that means for you.

So instead, we challenge you to think about what choosing REAL looks like for you?
What are you passionate about?
What makes you happy?
Who do you admire?
What do you think your strengths/weaknesses are?
When do you feel most free?
Just this morning, let's take a couple minutes to think about it.
We promise it'll be a great start to a journey of loving and trusting yourself! x

18 Nov 2015.PNG

Be Real

"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest achievement" - Ralph Waldo Emerson

It's hard to be REAL in a culture that is constantly dictating how we should look, act and live in order to be enough, so often stripping us of our worth and value... BUT it is even harder to live as someone else, to not be free to express who we really are, to hide our true selves, to wish away our identity, to let others determine our worth and value.
Choosing to be REAL each day, yes can be a challenge, but also has the greatest reward.
Remember today, that if you are choosing to be REAL, it is a battle we're fighting, so it's ok when we stumble and fall, just dust yourself off and try again. A battle worth fighting and definitely worth celebrating! You've got this!
Shout outs to everyone choosing REAL - what an incredible, life-giving achievement! x

12 Nov 2015.PNG

Perspective & Focus

It's all about choice and perspective / focus.
You choose the attitude you bring into the day. You choose how you want to respond to challenges. You choose what you want to focus on. You choose what you believe about yourself. You choose how you see things. YOU CHOOSE.
It's so easy for us to get so focused on the what we don't have, or what's not happening for us, or all the trouble that is happening, but we can choose to create amazing change in our lives.
1. Choose to be THANKFUL - for your life and everything going on (there is purpose in it all). Even stop every hour and think of something you're thankful for - great perspective changer!
2. Choose to see CHALLENGES AS OPPORTUNITIES - to grow, discover something new, strengthen, create a foundation for your purpose, kick a goal.
3. Choose what you FOCUS on. Focus on having an amazing day, on finding joy, on looking for the blessings, on what energizes you.
4. Choose to BELIEVE and LIVE LIKE you are more than enough. Choose to be your REAL self.
5. Choose to HAVE FUN. Do something that you love today.
Enjoy!! We'd love to hear what you do to make your day ridiculously amazing! x

6 Nov 2015.PNG

Just Be

You don't need to prove yourself or your worth. You don't need to change who you are to fit in. You don't need to hustle for approval and acceptance. You don't need to strive after unrealistic expectations to give you value.
Who you are is enough - MORE THAN ENOUGH. Don't listen to the lies of our culture dictating how you should look, act and live in order to be enough. You already are. So just be! Just be YOU! It's YOU that the world needs.
Let go of others' expectations today and just be. Breathe. Just be whoever YOU choose to be x

3 Nov 2015.PNG

Your Story has a Purpose

Own YOUR story, not one you wish you had. Maybe you think yours is not as sparkly as someone else's or not adventurous enough or too damaged. These are lies.
Your story is yours, and should be celebrated just as it is - no edits or re-takes. The past cannot be changed, but the future is full of new possibilities. Your story has incredible purpose. Your story is a foundation (even the bad right now will one day seem essential to your purpose). Your story can empower others.
Your story is worth being shared. It can take vulnerability and courage, but that's where the magic happens and you begin to OWN YOUR STORY, instead of your story owning you. And it all starts with sharing it honestly.
Who in your life is a safe person to start the conversation? Share a snippet of your journey. Share the one thing that's holding you back or that you've locked away in the deepest parts of your mind - share that and begin to feel freed. Your story has purpose x

21 Oct 2015.PNG

Confidence Boost

Studies show that noting 3 things you're thankful for each day can literally rewire / change your brain - giving you a more positive outlook, confidence and helping train your mind to look for all the good in situations, helping you focus on and experience the blessings in life ++.
x . o
Such a simple tool with endless benefits. Grab a gratitude journal (any notebook) or your device and start listing what you're thankful for each day - every time something different. And it's so wonderful to look back on all your thankful notes and be encouraged when you need an extra pick me up.
x . o
So let's start together. What / who are 3 things you're thankful for today? x

28 Oct 2015.PNG

Who Are You Choosing?

Who are you choosing to be today?

Your TRUE beautiful self, or what you think others want you to be? the expectations of others? what our culture dictates we should be? Who you wish you were? Let these go and find so much satisfaction in just being you. It can be hard at first if we've been living to please others for so long, but even just take one step in the right direction. Do something YOU love, get dressed for you - not focused on how others will see you, write a list of all the things YOU value, love, admire - try and spend some time in one of these today, say what you really think, be true to your own opinions / values, accept where you are instead of where you wish you were, celebrate all your unique qualities - knowing these make you who you are (no one else can be you - we need YOU), let go and do that thing you've been wanting to do for ages, just be YOU! Enjoy!! x

25 Oct 2015.PNG

Choose Joy

Today I will C H O O S E J O Y!
Today, let's not dwell on the past or worry about / wish we were in the future (anxiety breeds when we stop here too long).
x . o
Let's instead be in the present! Be in the moment. Right here, where you are. See what's REALLY happening all around you (not what should have, could of, would be).
x . o
Joy is found in seeing what is right in front of you (there is always good things all around you, sometimes we're just too focused on past / future to see anything else. So take off those lenses and enjoy really seeing xx

24 Oct 2015.PNG

Be Thankful

Gratitude is an amazing perspective changer. Focus on the blessings in life and that's what you'll experience. The same goes for if you focus on the challenges, the pains, the frustrations, the disappointments - that's all you see and experience.
So today, let's focus on the good, celebrate the small steps, and be thankful. Take a moment to list at least 3 things you're thankful for. Remember them throughout the day and what a different perspective you'll have.

4 Oct 2015.PNG