I've had so many people say, "I'll share my story when I get through this" or "when I fix that" or "when things change". But your story is ever-evolving.
Wherever you're at, NOW is the time to share your story. Crumpled pages and all.
Don't be afraid to reveal what connects us together - the real moments in life. The good, the bad, the rough, the smooth, the process. Don't hide what you're really facing from those who care.
Who can you share what's happening in this chapter of your story - sharing it helps you own it and create the themes and headings that empower you. We're all in this together.
Your story is not finished. And we can't wait to share together in the pages.
Just Breathe
Breathe, just breathe. Starting another week can be tough for some of us, feeling already so exhausted and even overwhelmed before we've even started. But remember, you made it through last week, and the week before, and the week before that. And you'll make it through this week too.
Let's reframe our perspective and focus, so we don't keep dwelling on the challenges but feel energized and inspired.
Here's a few things we can do, we'll be doing them with you:
• write down everything that's on your mind - all your to dos, your concerns, thoughts etc. Get them out of your mind and onto paper, where you can start to sort through them and find solutions, let go of things you can't change and do the things you can.
• prioritize - what are the top 3 things you need to get done today
• remind yourself and celebrate your wins - write down 3 things you've overcome or achieved last week - can be big or small... Like finished or started something, got through something, learnt something etc. • write down 3 different things you're thankful for everyday - really boosts your perspective
• do something you love everyday - even if it's just for 5 mins. Something that brings you joy and satisfaction, something you're passionate about, something for you
• keep your focus on your WHY not the challenge or task. When you start to feel overwhelmed, it's usually because you are so focused on the task or challenges. Step back, look up and remind yourself of why you're doing what you're doing, the passion, the meaning, the value behind it. Focus on that - let that be the motivator. You can even put it up somewhere you can see it regularly - words, statement, pictures, whatever inspires you and reminds you of your why.
• remind yourself of your worth and value. Your words create reality. So speak words of life over you and those around you. Repeat: I AM WORTHY. I BELONG. I AM STRONG. I AM... You fill in the blank. Remind yourself and continually repeat until you believe and live out what you're saying.
Breathe. You've got this. It's a brand new day and you are more than capable.
Share where you're at, how some of these points went, what are your tips to start the week x
You Are Not Alone
Been there for sure and actually feeling it right now... For no particular reason, I've just been feeling flat lately. Maybe because I've been sick for weeks. Maybe because sometimes progress is just really slow. Maybe because I've been waiting for some really big provisions and dreams that haven't happened yet. Maybe because I'm really exhausted. Maybe because I haven't made time to get out in nature. Maybe because some of my friends are facing huge challenges and I can't fix it for them. Maybe because I haven't been sleeping well. Maybe because everything feels cluttered. Maybe because this journey can be lonely at times. Maybe because of some disappointments. Maybe because of all these things together. Or maybe because it's just one of those days.
I'm not sure where you're at, but lovely one, know that wherever you're at right now is ok and you are not alone. We all struggle, we all face challenges and change. We all have emotions and feelings and thoughts and don't always know how to cope with them.
And even if we do, we don't always do what we know is best for us - yep me.
So let me encourage you in my struggle... No matter what you're facing or feeling, you are not alone. And this won't last forever. You CAN get through this. And we're standing with you.
Do something that will bring you rest, refresh you, put a smile on your face, re-energize you. When we are just focusing on the struggle, that's all we'll experience. So try and lift your gaze to search for all the blessings around you, be thankful, give to others, encourage someone else, remember the purpose, do things you love.
For me, I'm thinking a hot bubble bath, cooking delicious food, talk with a friend and get an early night. And I really need to clean haha.
We need to be kind to ourselves, especially when things are hard. What can you do to take care of yourself today? What is something you love doing? What is one practical thing you can do to take action in your struggle? What is something you are thankful for? Take time out for you x
What Are You Choosing
What are you choosing today? It's totally up to you. You get to choose your attitude, your perspective, your words, your actions, your mindset, and who you will be today.
It's all up to you. You can choose the REAL you, not based on what you think others want, but who you really want to be.
You can choose to be thankful, to see past the challenges and into the opportunities, to be kind to everyone (including yourself), to look for the good in others, to get a fresh perspective. You've got the power x
So what do YOU CHOOSE? It can be helpful to say it out aloud. And yes, we stuff up and don't always get it right and forget what we choose. But that's ok, just keep choosing. Maybe write it down and put it somewhere to remind yourself. You've got this x
📷taken by the lovely @thepaperfox for us
Fresh Start
New day. New week. Fresh start. Let go of whatever you didn't do last week or wish you hadn't done. That is the past. It's behind you. Walk into this week with a fresh attitude, a clean slate. Don't bring the disappointment with you. Acknowledge it, but now you have the chance to let it go and start over.
Don't start the week already thinking you're failing before you even give yourself the chance to make it. You are not a failure.
So let's dive into this week, forgiving ourselves for whatever we're holding onto, letting it go and really giving ourselves our best chance to flourish this week... It's all in the attitude. Be your own cheer squad. Be kind to yourself and celebrate each step. You've got this. And we're standing with you x
See Your Worth
"On the days you compare yourself to someone else. On the days you burst into tears several times because you are unhappy with your reflection in the mirror. On the days you wonder what is your purpose and on the days when someone isn't kind to you. On these days you need to remember that who you are comparing yourself to is making comparisons to someone else. On these days you need to remind yourself we all have these days. On these days you need to give yourself a break. On these days you need to know just how worthy you are and don't let anyone else tell you otherwise.” Love this from our sisters at @thegirlcampaign.
You are more than enough, just as you are.
If you need help seeing your own worth, you’re in good company and we’re here to journey with you through the process. Not an overnight pill, but daily choices to believe the truth about who you really are. You are worthy. We’re all in it together x
You Are Enough
Just as you are. You don't need anyone else to tell you or make you feel enough. You are enough and you can start living that right now. You choose.
Shift your view of your worth: ••• apologize to yourself for when you have been nasty and making you feel not enough. Any words you have spoken to yourself that hasn't been uplifting ••• forgive yourself ••• now speak worth and life over your life. Try speaking into the mirror (I know awkward, but powerful). You are enough. You have worth. You are loved. You are unique. You are significant. You matter. You are brave and smart and strong and capable.
The more we speak it, the more we believe it.
Let's become our own cheer squad. You go girl. You are so enough right now.
You've got this.
Self Talk
I can be so hard on myself. Thinking I should do better, be further ahead, know more, not slip up, basically be perfect. But that's impossible! And every time I mess up or step backwards or simply have a hard day, instead of being kind to myself, being encouraging, uplifting and understanding... I can be so critical, unforgiving, harsh and have such unrealistic expectations. I would never treat my friends the way I sometimes treat myself. BUT I'm learning to speak to myself the way I speak to those I love. Listen to my own advice. Know that wherever I am right now is ok. That every step forward (even the smallest one) matters. That it's ok not to always be ok. And that I don't need to get it right all the time. I am more than enough, just as I am.
Let's talk to ourselves with love, kindness, grace and forgiveness. Sometimes we're doing the best we can with what we have and that's enough.
Don't be too hard on yourself lovely, we're all on a journey x 💜Ruth
Time to Stop People Pleasing
"Hey you, you sweet people pleaser, it's time to stop. I hate to say it, but you're not going to be everyone's cup of tea (I'm more of a coffee girl, anyway!) If you're out there trying to be everything to everyone, chances are you aren't the happiest princess in the land and that makes me sad!
The truth is, we don't need to show up for everyone. In fact, when we focus on showing up for our tribe well, and forget about the rest, they fade off, and we build this sweet community that does big things, GIANT things!
People will inspire you or drain you, so stop trying to make everyone happy and choose wisely! Surround yourself with the good ones, the dreamers, the kind souls, the people who reflect who you want to be and how you want to feel.
It's contagious (and when all else fails, eat a giant spoon of Nutella and call it good!)" Jenna Kutcher
Let's have a chocolatey kind of weekend chasing our own kind of happiness. Who's been inspiring you lately? Give them a shout out x
📷quote and pic by the amazing @jennakutcher
What Will You Choose This Week
You choose. Make this week count. Excuses are easy, common, feel safe and known... But what makes change requires strength and courage (sometimes to step into the unknown)... Qualities YOU posses. Progress requires action. Even just one step. But it's your choice.
What will you choose this week? What is an area in your life that you want to change, or improve or let go of? What's one small step you can take forward? Remember, you are not alone. And there's nothing wrong with you. We're all on a journey of progress and growth x
Own Your Worth
Approve of yourself. Accept yourself. Own your worth. Practice daily and you'll gradually come to realize that you never needed approval from anyone else to feel whole and happy. Only from yourself.
How would letting go of your concern of what others think free you to express yourself more authentically? What would you do differently if you didn't care what others may say or think?
Love this quote from our amazing advocate @margiewarrell in her new book BRAVE.
It's a New Day
Don't let yesterday ruin today. It's a new day. Let's start over. So yesterday was really hard and challenging for me, but that doesn't mean that today has to be. Even if I let my mind be filled with discouragement and didn't fight hard enough against it... Yesterday is over. Today is a fresh start. A chance to try again. To make progress. To shift my mindset. Life can be hard and it's ok not to be ok... But not to stay there. Acknowledge the challenges and make one tiny step forward.
Don't let yesterday ruin today. It is a new day. So breathe, let go of whatever happened or didn't happen and just be. Today, you get to choose - moment by moment.
Breathe in those warm rays and remind yourself you are enough, no matter what. 💜 Ruth x
Do Something You Love
Take time out to be refreshed today. Do something you LOVE - even if only for a few minutes.
You are worth it.
Not only will it benefit you, but it will benefit those around you.
When you are filled, you are better able to invest and overflow in others. Instead of overflowing stress, exhaustion, overwhelm, frustration, anxiety etc... You can stop and breathe and switch streams, so that you can overflow peace, joy, generosity, kindness, encouragement, hope... So really giving yourself time to be refreshed can really be a selfless act and better for everyone.
You're worth it. They're worth it x
What do you love? What makes you feel refreshed? What gives you energy? What helps bring release? What fills you with joy? What helps you rest. Do more of these things x
Image 📷 Kelsey Olivia
Be Who You Needed When You Were Younger
What would you tell yourself? What would you do now? How can you make a difference for someone else? Who do you need to be now? Who can you encourage and stand alongside? x
Be who you needed / who you wish you had, right now for yourself and for those around you.
That is why I am so passionate about what I do - I didn't have someone when I was a teen (outside my family) to reach down and help lift me up, to constantly speak worth and value over my life, to remind me of who I really am, to encourage me, to tell me this won't last forever, to bring truth to all the lies I was believing, to know that I belonged, that I was loved and more than enough. To journey with me.
How different life could have been back then, but I don't regret and wouldn't change a thing, because my experiences have given me the empathy, compassion and drive to make a difference for others. To take a stand for them. To speak words of life everyday. To empower them to know and be content and confident in who they really are. To be brave. Be you. Be free. For girls and women everywhere, and for myself. I am still on the journey, but reminding myself everyday of who I really am, being my own encourager and cheer squad. And you can too. We don't need to rely on others to make us feel good. We can choose right now in this moment. We're all in this together. So grateful to journey with you x
You Are You
Love this. Be careful what you are speaking over your life. Labels aren't helpful. They don't give you freedom to move and change. They don't speak truth. Don't box yourself in.
Speak truth. Speak life. Speak freedom.
You are NOT your past. You have a past, we all do. You are NOT your struggles. You have struggles, we all do. You are NOT your fears. You have fears, we all do. You are NOT your mistakes, you make mistakes, we all do. You are NOT your weakness. You have weaknesses, we all do. You are NOT your experiences, you have experiences, we all do.
You are you. Don't let these things define you. Allow them to teach you, grow you, inspire you.
Start afresh this week, knowing you can be whoever you choose to be - labels free x
Adventuring Upstream
So, I've been struggling with exhaustion, busyness and being overwhelmed, and constantly speaking this over my life - "I am so exhausted, I am so busy, everything is so hard and overwhelming" etc.
I know how powerful our words and mindset are. And yet, I kept speaking this over my life. If this is what I'm proclaiming and focusing on, then that is exactly what I am going to experience. How can I experience anything else?
But enough is enough. I don't want to experience that anymore. And I'm sure you don't either.
The words we speak over our lives are so powerful. Often we need to re-word & re-frame how we say things.
So I have decided to RE-WORD and RE-FRAME these challenges.
Instead of "I'm so tired / exhausted"... I
I am being STRETCHED to GROW.
Instead of "I'm so busy"... I
Instead of "It's too too hard / overwhelming"... I
I hope this encourages you wherever you're at.
If you find you keep speaking words over your life that don't help, that hold you back, make you feel trapped and discouraged... Try re-wording and re-framing them too. If these ones speak to you, feel free to use them or find words that would empower you in the challenges.
Maybe you want to reword the way you see yourself? Or how you handle challenges? Or your constant complaints?
This is an opportunity to learn something and grow.
I am strong enough to get through this.
I am more than enough, just as I am.
I am so worth loving.
This might seem impossible, but there's always a way.
Speak life. You've got this.
You are Stronger Than You Think
What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies WITHIN US - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Your past does not define you and is only a limitation if you allow it to be. You are stronger than what happened. You are still here.
What you see in front of you - the circumstances around you also don't define you.
You can define them (your current and past situations). Give them a new name, a new story, a new perspective. One that empowers you.
You are stronger than you think. You are capable. You are significant. You matter. You have purpose. You can do this.
No matter what you're facing or what you've been through - YOU define it, and you are always more than enough.
If you're struggling and can't seem to break through (been there), reach out and ask for help (this shows strength!). Ask someone you trust to help you see what lies within.
We're standing with you.
SHARE - what have you discovered lies within you? x
Perfectly Imperfect
“Stop trying to 'fix' yourself; you're NOT broken! You are perfectly imperfect and powerful beyond measure.” ― Steve Maraboli
Yes you.
Our imperfections make us unique and gifted. Not disqualified. Not lacking. Not broken.
We all have them. But they are all so beautifully different.
Let’s start seeing our imperfections and differences as the rare treasures they are.
Instead of trying to hide them or wish them away, let’s embrace them and celebrate what makes us unique - perfectly imperfect x
Shifting Your Focus
What will you choose to focus on today? The sweet or sour? Keep a lookout for all the blessings and gifts around you. Stay thankful. This will really shift your perspective and outlook.
It's not about denying all the challenges and sour patches you may feel stuck in, or saying they don't matter.
But instead, shifting your focus so even in the middle of pain, confusion, challenge - you experience all that's wonderful and good around you. There is always things to be thankful for.
Ruth - I know yesterday, I focused too much on all the challenges I was facing, on all the set backs, the disappointments... And as a result, I felt drained and down and very overwhelmed. All those things are still the same, but this morning I'm CHOOSING to focus on the sweet instead. See challenges as opportunities, see set-backs as waiting for something better, turning my mind to remember and search for all the blessings and gifts around me. "Whatever you focus on is what you get, to the exclusion of everything else" - Brett White.
So today, we want to focus on what gives us life, joy, meaning, purpose, peace - and that is what we will experience.
What will you choose to focus on today? x
Are You Going to Believe the Truth
Are you going to believe the truth or the facts? The facts might be saying, you missed the mark, they rejected you, you weren't qualified to do that, you don't have this, you didn't make that, that was a bad result, they didn't include you, the thing you really want hasn't happened yet, that thing you really didn't want did happen... BUT no matter what the facts, you are always enough. More than enough. Just as you are.
Where do you find yourself today? What facts are you staring at? The facts might not be great, but you are. Your worth and value doesn't change. No matter what the facts are.
Remind yourself today. I. AM. ENOUGH. Yes I am.
We're with you x