
Adventuring Upstream

So, I've been struggling with exhaustion, busyness and being overwhelmed, and constantly speaking this over my life - "I am so exhausted, I am so busy, everything is so hard and overwhelming" etc.
I know how powerful our words and mindset are. And yet, I kept speaking this over my life. If this is what I'm proclaiming and focusing on, then that is exactly what I am going to experience. How can I experience anything else?
But enough is enough. I don't want to experience that anymore. And I'm sure you don't either.
The words we speak over our lives are so powerful. Often we need to re-word & re-frame how we say things.
So I have decided to RE-WORD and RE-FRAME these challenges.
Instead of "I'm so tired / exhausted"... I

I am being STRETCHED to GROW.


Instead of "I'm so busy"... I


Instead of "It's too too hard / overwhelming"... I

I hope this encourages you wherever you're at.

If you find you keep speaking words over your life that don't help, that hold you back, make you feel trapped and discouraged... Try re-wording and re-framing them too. If these ones speak to you, feel free to use them or find words that would empower you in the challenges.
Maybe you want to reword the way you see yourself? Or how you handle challenges? Or your constant complaints?
This is an opportunity to learn something and grow.

I am strong enough to get through this.

I am more than enough, just as I am.

I am so worth loving.

This might seem impossible, but there's always a way.

Speak life. You've got this.

4 May 2016.PNG

Shifting Your Focus

What will you choose to focus on today? The sweet or sour? Keep a lookout for all the blessings and gifts around you. Stay thankful. This will really shift your perspective and outlook.
It's not about denying all the challenges and sour patches you may feel stuck in, or saying they don't matter.
But instead, shifting your focus so even in the middle of pain, confusion, challenge - you experience all that's wonderful and good around you. There is always things to be thankful for.

Ruth - I know yesterday, I focused too much on all the challenges I was facing, on all the set backs, the disappointments... And as a result, I felt drained and down and very overwhelmed. All those things are still the same, but this morning I'm CHOOSING to focus on the sweet instead. See challenges as opportunities, see set-backs as waiting for something better, turning my mind to remember and search for all the blessings and gifts around me. "Whatever you focus on is what you get, to the exclusion of everything else" - Brett White.
So today, we want to focus on what gives us life, joy, meaning, purpose, peace - and that is what we will experience.
What will you choose to focus on today? x

15 April 2016.PNG

Choosing to be Thankful

You get to choose what you get out of every situation and how you react.
Choose what empowers you. There's always something to be thankful for - and searching for it literally changes your outlook and brain structure for the better.
When things are good - celebrate and savour the moments.

When things are hard, challenging and unknown - know you are more than enough, be on the lookout for the everyday blessings, and grow through the experience.
You get to be in charge of your reaction and journey through this situation... Try not to let the situation rule you. You choose.
Being thankful is a great step towards you owning the situation. If you can change something to make things better, do that. If you can't, accept it for what it is (not the stories we create around things, but the facts) and learn as you go.
Where are you at right now? Sweet or bitter? What could you be thankful for? How can you celebrate or grow? x
No matter what, you are more than enough. We believe in you x

7 April 2016.PNG

What Will You Choose to Focus On

"Happiness is a choice, not a result. Nothing will make you happy until you choose to be happy. No person will make you happy unless you decide to be happy. Your happiness will not come to you. It can only come from you." Ralph Marston

You choose how you see your circumstances. You choose how you're going to react. You choose what you're going to focus on. You choose what/who you're going to listen to. You choose what you're going to give back. You choose who you're going to be. You choose what legacy you're going to leave. You choose how you treat yourself. You to turn challenges into opportunities. You choose your actions. You choose what you whisper to yourself. You choose how you'll approach this day. You choose your perspective. You choose your attitude. You have choice. You have the power. You choose.
SO what are you going to choose today?
Say it aloud!! Choose what empowers you. It's ok, sometimes we get it wrong. BUT we get to make another choice. So try again. Don't give up. You choose x

p.s. LOVE this photo from behind the scenes at our tee photoshoot. When girls just wanna have fun! Love the freedom and joy in their faces. It's a choice. They could have sat around bored and waiting for the time to pass in between, but instead searched out fun, found this random trolley and had "one of the best days ever". You can create anything in any circumstance... It starts with a choice x

15 March 2016.PNG

Love is an Action

Yes, you. Love is action. Self-love is not how you feel about yourself. It’s what you do for yourself. You can only fully love yourself by DOING, not by just simply thinking.

Loving and accepting yourself is a journey and a daily choice, followed by daily actions.
It's not always easy, and we certainly don't always "feel" like loving and accepting ourselves... Especially when our reflection disappoints us, or we don't do well in an exam or let our friends down, get ourselves into a dangerous situation, or fall short of our goal, don't get that job we wanted, break up, mess up, stuff up, feel guilt and shame... It can be hard to "feel" love and acceptance in these moments/seasons.
But loving and accepting ourselves is more than a feeling, it's an action - even when we don't necessarily feel it.
It's about making DAILY CHOICES to love and accept yourself.

Choosing daily to nurture your health - eating well, sleeping, exercising, resting.

Choosing daily to refill and refresh - doing something that energizes you, that gives you joy and peace, time out, time to relax, rejuvenate.
Choosing daily to grow your mind - learn, discover, try something new, practice mindfulness, create solutions.
Choosing daily to be kind to yourself - forgive yourself, allow yourself to learn from mistakes, to take positive risks, to stop, to enjoy good things.

Choosing daily to allow your REAL self to be seen, being honest with where you're at, letting others in, expressing your passions, interests, opinions, talents, skills, loves. -

What can you DO today to show yourself love and acceptance? -

Start wherever you're at. Even one small action. You, just as much as anyone in the entire universe deserves your love and affection.
The more actions you take towards loving and accepting yourself >> the easier it gets >> you start to break down mindset barriers >> you start to FEEL loved and accepted >> life seems lighter >> you're able to better love and accept others... Let's take this journey together.

Let's share and encourage each other x

24 Feb 2016.PNG


"One terrible truth I've discovered is that sometimes we don't just have a bad day or a bad month, sometimes we have a a bad year. Sometimes we feel like we have no control over the endless waves of bad luck we seem to be experiencing. But one thing you do have control over is your outlook. Your mindset is yours to control and as hard as it is to step back from the situation and have blind faith that things will change for the better, it's our only option other than ending up in a downward spiral." - Taylor Swift
Yeah girl! It's time for a MINDSET CHECK. You get to choose your outlook. Even if it seems like you're stuck in the mud, you get to choose how you view it! Maybe it's a great opportunity for a rejuvenating mud bath, or a messy slip 'n' slide, or bringing back childhood mud pies! YOU get to label your situation. You get to choose how you see it. You get to choose how you will react.
Quick Tip - Step back from your situation and imagine you were giving advice to a dear friend who was in your same situation. What would you tell them? What would you encourage them to do? Listen to those wise words.
If you feel so stuck in your situation, that's when it's great to call out for help. We all need help at times and this journey is so much better when we travel along with others. So reach out to someone and take some steps together.
You get to CHOOSE... #ChooseREAL.

23 Feb 2016.PNG

What Refreshes You

What refreshes you? What energizes you? What brings you joy and satisfaction? Rest and rejuvenation?

We know how easy it is to get caught up in the busyness of life, and forget about ourselves while trying to get through that never ending to-do list, or forgetting our own needs to meet the needs of others, or so focused on the challenges in life that we're left drained and exhausted.

How often to we sit back and relax and prioritize time of refreshment? And see it as just as essential as work?

Here's our CHALLENGE to ourselves and to you:

1. Write a list of all the things that you love doing and that refreshes you / re-energizes you (it could be going for walks, baking, reading, watching the sunset, getting creative, listening to music, playing sport, having tea with friends, journaling, etc)... Find whatever it is for you. If you only know of a few things, that's great, start there and try out new ways to be refreshed that you could add to your list. Remember no comparing, we all find our refreshment in different ways.

2. Do at least one everyday. Yep that's right! Even if it's just 10 minutes or however long you want. Make sure you schedule in time for refreshment everyday - it is so essential to help us keep moving forward from a healthy place. Yes, we know it can be really hard, but let's add it to our appointments like its a meeting with the Queen - we wouldn't be asking to change the times or missing it or being late. Let's make this a priority in our lives. And see how they start to lighten.

What are you going to do today to be refreshed? Share with us x

Background by @nicijoyceministry

6 Feb 2016.PNG

Which Habit Will You Give Up

Which one can you give up today?
Write down the action you want to take and remind yourself daily.
For example. 1. Give up doubting myself. You could write down = I will trust myself. Put it somewhere you constantly see.
Or 2. Give up negative thinking. You could write down some positive thoughts to repeat = I am strong. I am capable. I am loved. I can get through this. I am more than enough.
Or 3. Give up fear of failure. What is that thing you’ve been wanting to do but too scared to mess up or don’t think you can do it. Write it down and just give it a go. It doesn’t matter if you don’t get it write. Learn from it and try again.

Or 6. Give up procrastination. What is something you keep putting off? Write it down and do it now or write down when you’ll do it and just do it!
Share your journey and tips with us. We know it will encourage others too. You are not alone! x

3 Feb 2016.PNG

Your Story Counts

Today is a new day, a fresh start, a chance to begin again. You don't need to be trapped by yesterday or last week or last year. You can re-write your story at any moment.

Decide to put the past in the past - behind you, instead of letting it rule your future and blocking your view of what's possible.

Take a moment to reflect on that experience that seems to linger on. What can you learn from it? What good has come out of it? How have you changed because of it?

And now move on. It does not define you, you define it - so give it a chapter title that empowers you, and turn to a fresh, new page.

You can rewrite your story at any moment. You decide what perspective you'll have, what attitudes you'll bring, what actions you'll take. And even when we mess up, we can turn to a fresh page any time, and try again.

So breathe, and choose what you want your story to say today. It's up to you. Don't let others write your story for you. Be the author.

Your story counts.

From Competing to Completing

Shift your focus - FROM competing, comparing and criticizing others TO completing, complementing and connecting with others.

Instead of finding ways to make yourself look good, look for the good in others.
Instead of trying to prove yourself, stop and remember you are enough.

Instead of comparing with those around you, celebrate each others’ strengths, unique characteristics and value. Their strengths, do not diminish yours, but add to you - we all need each other.

Instead of feeling threatened by others, see them as opportunities to grow, learn and connect.

Instead of tearing down, let’s build others up.

Who can you encourage today and find a way to add value to their life? Complete NOT compete.

We all have something to offer x

27 Jan 2016 2.PNG

What are You Speaking Over Your Life

"Let's speak to ourselves the way we speak to our loved ones" - Brene Brown. What words are you speaking over your life and others? Are you building up or tearing down? Are you imparting confidence or stealing it? Are you speaking truth or lies? Are you helping or hindering? Are you rejoicing or rejecting? Are you encouraging or criticizing? Are you speaking life or death/destruction? x

Your words and thoughts have such power. Let's make a conscious effort to speak worth, value, strength, understanding, kindness, encouragement, hope over our own lives and those around us.
What we say to ourselves affects how we connect with others, and what we say to others affects how we relate to ourselves.
So let's use our words to empower ourselves and those around us.
Repeat with us:

I am / you are loved and valued.

I am / you are wanted and belong.

I am / you are strong.

I am / you are capable of amazing things - and capable to face the little constant things too.
I have / you have infinite worth.

I am / you are smart and able to make decisions that empower me.
I am / you are brave.
I have / you have purpose.
I am / you are MORE THAN ENOUGH.
Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Everyday as you will be rewiring your thought patterns / brain.
You can also write your own list! Share with us to encourage others and take a stand for yourself. We are standing with you x

18 Dec 2015.PNG

How Full is Your Emotional Tank?

How full is your tank? There are so many things that can drain AND refill our emotional tanks. It's really important that we know what does what, and do more of the things that REFILLS our tanks, especially when we feel empty.
What energizes you? Refreshes you? Boosts your confidence? Helps you feel happy, content, peaceful, loved?
What drains you? Leaves you flat, unmotivated, disappointed, empty, discouraged, exhausted, on edge, overwhelmed, stressed out?
Here are 3 things you can do TODAY to FILL YOUR TANK: • TIME OUT - rest, relax, step back from busyness, stop and breathe, recharge.
E.g. Sit and listen to music, practice mindfulness, have a bubble bath, pray, get even just a few minutes on your own, colour in, go for a walk. • ENJOYMENT - do things you love, recreational activities, fun, favourite hobbies, adventures. Include laughing as much as possible - so good for your mind and body.
E.g. Get out in nature, bake, get creative, read, play board games, dive into a new activity, do sports, hang out with friends. • BE THANKFUL - stop and list of all the things you're thankful for. Say them aloud for an even bigger impact.
What can you do today to fill your emotional tank? Let's go into the week FULL!! Share your ideas with us to encourage others x

6 Dec 2015.PNG

What Does Choosing Real Look Like for You?

We could challenge you to Choose REAL today and act on it.
But being real can take time to figure out what that means for you.

So instead, we challenge you to think about what choosing REAL looks like for you?
What are you passionate about?
What makes you happy?
Who do you admire?
What do you think your strengths/weaknesses are?
When do you feel most free?
Just this morning, let's take a couple minutes to think about it.
We promise it'll be a great start to a journey of loving and trusting yourself! x

18 Nov 2015.PNG

Perspective & Focus

It's all about choice and perspective / focus.
You choose the attitude you bring into the day. You choose how you want to respond to challenges. You choose what you want to focus on. You choose what you believe about yourself. You choose how you see things. YOU CHOOSE.
It's so easy for us to get so focused on the what we don't have, or what's not happening for us, or all the trouble that is happening, but we can choose to create amazing change in our lives.
1. Choose to be THANKFUL - for your life and everything going on (there is purpose in it all). Even stop every hour and think of something you're thankful for - great perspective changer!
2. Choose to see CHALLENGES AS OPPORTUNITIES - to grow, discover something new, strengthen, create a foundation for your purpose, kick a goal.
3. Choose what you FOCUS on. Focus on having an amazing day, on finding joy, on looking for the blessings, on what energizes you.
4. Choose to BELIEVE and LIVE LIKE you are more than enough. Choose to be your REAL self.
5. Choose to HAVE FUN. Do something that you love today.
Enjoy!! We'd love to hear what you do to make your day ridiculously amazing! x

6 Nov 2015.PNG

Confidence Boost

Studies show that noting 3 things you're thankful for each day can literally rewire / change your brain - giving you a more positive outlook, confidence and helping train your mind to look for all the good in situations, helping you focus on and experience the blessings in life ++.
x . o
Such a simple tool with endless benefits. Grab a gratitude journal (any notebook) or your device and start listing what you're thankful for each day - every time something different. And it's so wonderful to look back on all your thankful notes and be encouraged when you need an extra pick me up.
x . o
So let's start together. What / who are 3 things you're thankful for today? x

28 Oct 2015.PNG