Perspective / Mindset

Strength Finders

Strength Finders

Weaknesses are easy to find - in ourselves and others. But pointing out other people's weaknesses only highlights our own. It reveals our own insecurities. And you never really feel good after tearing someone down, but oh my do you feel good when you lift someone up.

What Adventures Are You Choosing

What Adventures Are You Choosing

What adventures will you embark on this weekend? Everyday is an adventure - sometimes we choose the pathway and sometimes we just land on it. But either way, we get to choose how we see it, our perspective, our responses, and what we take from each step.

You Are Amazing

No matter what life throws at you this week, remember you are strong, courageous and capable of amazing things. But it's not about what you do, it's about who you are becoming. Let that be the focus this week.

What attitude do you want to take into this week? What perspective? What do you want to focus on? Who do you choose to be? How do you choose to see yourself? As amazing and more than enough? We hope so! You get to choose.

Choose what empowers you. You can be your own cheer squad or worst enemy. Let's speak words of life over ourselves and others today, let's call out who we really are, let's see the best not the worst, let speak into our potential, let's be kind and give ourselves and others grace. Let's remember, we are all unique and more than enough.

Often we need reminding, so don't wait for someone else to. Be the encouragement you need - write it down, repeat it over and over, put a post-it on the mirror, in your diary, wherever you look regularly. We all need reminding sometimes. Let's take the first step x

5 Dec 2016.PNG

It's Better to be Yourself

When I was in high school, I allowed people and experiences and perceptions to define me. To tell me if I was good enough - which I didn't hear. To give me worth and value - which I didn't feel.

I didn't know who I really was, so tried to mould myself to be accepted, to fit in, to be like those around me. But I was left feeling empty, confused and alone.

This was not who I was, this was not who I wanted to be. I was loosing my true self in an attempt to fit in to those around me. Trying to figure out being me but feeling less-than, not knowing my true worth and value and letting others blind me from it.

This was one of the most challenging times in my life. But what was at the core was not accepting my value and worth. Not embracing and celebrating my own identity - whether it "fit" into others or not. Not knowing that I defined me, no one else. Not giving myself grace as I figure it all out.

If I could give my younger self some advice, I'd say, sweet girl, you don't need to be like anyone else. You are unique. You have qualities that no one else has. Find people who you admire and share your values. Don't let the words and actions of others define you - it is all coming from their own insecurities. Keep being kind to everyone. Be kind to yourself. Be for others who you wish other people would be for you (treat them how you'd want to be treated). Don't compare! And know that no matter what, you are MORE THAN ENOUGH, just as you are.

- Are you finding you are loosing yourself to "fit in" with others? o
- What advice would you share with a friend? What advice would you tell your younger self? o
- Do your friends allow and encourage you to be yourself? Do you encourage your friends to be themselves? o

Sweet girl, we need you to be you! There's no one else that can "fit in" to that amazing role. Only you. 💜Ruth x

30 Nov 2016.PNG

You Can Be A World Changer

"People who really want to make a difference in the world usually do it, in one way or another. And I’ve noticed something about people who make a difference in the world: They hold the unshakable conviction that individuals are extremely important, that every life matters. They get excited over one smile. They are willing to feed one stomach, educate one mind, and treat one wound. They aren’t determined to revolutionize the world all at once; they’re satisfied with small changes. Over time, though, the small changes add up. Sometimes they even transform cities and nations, and yes, the world.

People who want to make a difference get frustrated along the way. But if they have a particularly stressful day, they don’t quit. They keep going. Given their accomplishments, most of them are shockingly normal and the way they spend each day can be quite mundane. They don’t teach grand lessons that suddenly enlighten entire communities; they teach small lessons that can bring incremental improvement to one man or woman, boy or girl. They don’t do anything to CALL attention to themselves, they simply PAY attention to the everyday needs of others, even if it’s only one person. They bring change in ways most people will never read about or applaud. And because of the way these world-changers are wired, they wouldn’t think of living their lives any other way" - Beth Clark, Kisses From Katie.

We can ALL change the world for those around us, one impact, one life at a time. It doesn't need to be huge and grand, but small, individual moments of caring, supporting, meeting needs, bringing joy, welcoming, sharing, listening, including, celebrating, and simply just being there. Although they may be smaller actions, they could be the greatest gift for someone else.

Who's world can you change today? YOU can be a world-changer x

24 Nov 2016.PNG

Comparing Our Bloopers to Their Highlight Reel

How often do we look at other peoples' lives and wish ours were different. Comparing our bloopers with their highlight reel. Wishing away our unique talents and gifts for some of theirs. But lovely one, they are only showing us what they WANT us to see. We're not seeing the whole picture. Most are not showing us how they failed that exam, their bad hair day, how they stayed in bed all day - feeling too overwhelmed to get up, the breakout on their face, how they cried themselves to sleep, when they stayed at home coz they didn't have anyone to hang out with, the mess around their house etc... And sometimes if they do, it's with a specific purpose for attention.

I am definitely not talking about all the amazing accounts out there that are truly being real and vulnerable about their lives - sharing the good and challenging and genuinely inviting others into their story, empowering us to know that we are not alone. These beautiful people are raw and honest and their aim is to inspire and empower.

No, I'm just wanting us NOT TO COMPARE our lives with anyone. To know that usually, we are not seeing the whole picture, we are seeing through a filter. And we can't compare our raw, unfiltered lives with the edited, cropped lives we see around us. Let's think about it, do you usually show everyone around you all your struggles and failures and breakdown and fears and worries and insecurities and bloopers? Maybe not. So why would they?
Comparing will rob us of the joy of our own lives.

So let's remember this week as we look at the lives around us - we are only seeing part of the picture and it could be through a filter. Let's not get bitter, but celebrate others and be thankful for what we have.

What's one thing in your life you are thankful for?

Thanks for journeying with us! We're all in this together.
💜Ruth x

22 Nov 2016.PNG

Spring Clean of our Thoughts

Who else feels like this? When there is so much going on, so many things to do, so many things trying to distract our identity, distort our view, grab our attention - good or bad... We can feel on overload, overwhelm, likes there's just too many tabs open in our mind. Sometimes it's really hard to sort through them, to have clarity around even a few, to feel so overwhelmed that we can't even do any of it, don't know where to start.

I've been there for sure! In fact I'm feeling that way right now - just so many things going on that its hard to know where to start, what to focus on, sometimes I'd rather do nothing.

So what can we do when we feel way too many tabs are open? Well like when your computer is slowing down, crashing, force quitting things - and you realize there's too much open, you start closing things down, only leaving open what you need for the moment. Of course your computer can't work efficiently or properly when it's so cluttered. Same with us. Of course you can't expect yourself to feel at peace, to get through things, to make changes when your mind is so cluttered and full.

So let's have a SPRING CLEAN OUT together! One of the best ways is to write your thoughts down - then you can start to categorize them and declutter.

Write down everything you're thinking, what you're worrying about, waiting for, wishing for, needing/wanting to do, plans, goals, fears, struggles, limiting beliefs, self-talk... Get it all out. Whatever comes up, write it down - even simply dot point it.

Then start to sort through it... You can categorize it
- what needs to get thrown out - you can literally throw in the bin
- what is for later - don't need to think about them now - put on a separate list - you can break these down into next week / month / term / year / 2 years etc
- what is urgent AND important - top priorities - feel free to order these too. Also best to write a NEXT STEP ACTION for each
- helpful, encouraging thoughts / self-talk
- anything that doesn't serve you well goes

Let's declutter our brains and focus on the thoughts that inspire and lift us up x

What Makes You Happy

Here's what brain research says will MAKE YOU HAPPY:
1. Ask "What am I grateful for?" If you don't have any answers? Doesn't matter. Just searching helps.
Booster - write down 3 things you're thankful for today.
2. Label those negative emotions. Give it a name and your brain isn't so bothered by it.
Booster - try and be aware of the emotions you experience today - label them, even if you're not sure what they are, just give them a name, even Bob!
3. Decide. Go for "good enough" instead of "best decision ever made on Earth". o
Booster - make decisions today and take action. Even if you need to change them later, at least you tried and started.
4. Hugs, hugs, hugs. Don't text — touch.
Booster - go interact with people today. Hang out with friends, family, encourage someone.

But also know, it's ok not to always be ok. However you're feeling, let it help you find out what's going on for you, what might need to change, where you might need help. Feelings are good. Just try to let them show you something, instead of letting them rule you. But of course, they are times when we just need help to sort through all the feelings - it's too overwhelming, and that's ok and normal. You're not alone.

16 Nov 2016.PNG

You're a Limited Edition

“I was a little over two when I realized that beauty mattered, way too young for a little girl to discover whether she was beautiful or not. I loved watching and participating in fashion shows at an early age and I loved watching beauty pageants. I was a little girl who loved anything to do with pretty dresses, high heels, and sparkles. This girly love wasn’t all together a bad thing, until I let it define and take over me. However, once my quest for beauty began is when I lost it all.

Mirrors tortured and taunted me, no matter what anyone else said. Every time I heard the words, “You’re beautiful.” it was all I could do not to laugh, because there was no way I could have believed it.

The mirror is where I found my truth. If the mirror said I looked good (which it rarely did) than the day would go well and if the mirror showed that one hair was out of place than game over. For me, overcoming my beauty issues had a whole heck of a lot to do with me not seeing myself as beautiful. They were all lies and I know that now but it can still be difficult. It didn’t just happen overnight and it certainly didn’t happen without a whole lot of work. As a woman, I think I can safely say that I believe all women struggle with the idea of beauty and feeling beautiful. We live in a society that is rampant with ideas of beauty, false, unattainable, unrealistic standards of beauty. It wasn’t until I finally realized and accepted that beauty wasn’t in a made up face, it wasn’t in high fashioned clothes, it wasn’t in a size zero, that it began to sink in.

What I realized was that no one could be beautiful like me and no one could be beautiful like you, because we are one of a kind, limited additions. My friend there is no one in the world just like you and that is more beautiful than you will ever know.” Beautiful words and heart from MK

25 Oct 2016.PNG

Excuses or Discipline

We can make an excuse for everything. But do we want our lives to be a series of excuses or of actions, exciting experiences, growth, goals achieved, habits changed, adventures, living life to the full? You are strong. Your excuses can be strong too. But you get to choose who wins.

Recently I heard a definition of DISCIPLINE that really helped >> Discipline is choosing between what you want NOW and what you want MOST.

The short-term pay off OR the long-term prize.

The short-term pay off (instant pleasure / desire, temporary comfort, wants etc) OR the long-term prize (lasting change, deeper desire, growth, maturity, lasting pleasure, joy, peace, health etc). xo
We get to choose the pain. The pain of discipline now or the pain of excuses, consequences and regret later. We get to choose which pain we embrace

Yes it can be painful to not give in to excuses - it's tough! It can feel more comfortable, easy and safe to make excuses. But stepping out, being disciplined, taking risks, making changes may feel painful/challenging to start but well worth it.

So lovely friend, what will you CHOOSE? We're standing with you and cheering you on. We've all got excuses and things we need to be disciplined in. Let's do this together.

What excuses do you hear yourself repeating? What excuses do you want to let go of? What do you need to be disciplined in? You are strong enough. You are not alone x
💜Ruth x

17 Oct 2016.PNG

Your Story Has Purpose

Comparison will rob you of beauty of the season YOU are in, of the unique journey YOU are on, of the courageous steps YOU take, of the big and small wins YOU make, of the story only YOU can tell. We are all on a journey - different paths, different paces, different places. We are all different. And if we compare our chapters, we'll loose the significance and purpose of the pages WE are walking out. Not only will we miss out, but so will everybody else - because no one else has your journey. No one else can tell your story. No one else can encourage others with exactly where you're at. No one else can do you.

So next time we feel tempted to fast forward our story or skip ahead to someone else's, remember your story has purpose. Your story matters. The chapter you are in is yours. No matter where others seem to be up to, your perfectly timed in your chapter. One step at a time.

Have you ever felt inadequate by comparing your chapter with someone else's?
I know I sure have. But no longer.

12 Oct 2016.PNG

Look Forward With Hope

The past is in the past. What? So why do we keep bringing it up again as if it's in our future. Not letting it go, but dragging it around wherever we go. Taking it with us into new relationships, new opportunities, new situations. Wearing it as a lens we see our present and future through. And than get confused why we keep repeating the past or feeling like we're still living in it. Well of course we would if we keep holding onto it and putting it in front of each step we take instead of behind us.

But no longer. We can see the past as what it is - the past. Yes it happened, but we choose how we respond. We can choose what lessons we take from it. We choose how we define it. We choose to leave it in the past and have an unwritten future - one we get to write.

We can choose to look forward with hope, knowing that everything is possible, that our past does not define our future, that we get to create it with the choices we make. And then recreate it again with new choices. And again.

So dear friend, no matter what's happened in the past, you get to create your future. Whatever your currently facing right now won't last forever. Hold onto hope and leave the past where it belongs - in the past.

👉💙👉 What's something you've learnt or gained from something you've faced in the past? How can you take the lesson and leave the rest behind? x
💜Ruth x

10 Oct 2016.PNG

Go Girl!

Go girl! Let's REBEL AGAINST our culture's unrealistic expectations of perfectionism, comparison and the constant messages of NOT ENOUGH.

Let's be our own kind of TREND SETTERS. Those who define our own worth - not based on how others see us, but because we are loved, we belong, and we are more than enough, just as we are (all always true, not matter how we feel). Those who embrace and celebrate our REAL identity and value. Those who CHOOSE the life we want to live. Those who accept ourselves and others. Those who celebrate and support others to be all they can be. Those who stand up for those who can't, for what they believe in and are passionate about. Those who chase THEIR dreams. Those who live without fear of others opinions. Those who look for beauty in everything. Those who build up not tear down. Those who embrace not exclude. Those who love not hate. Those just like you, the REAL you.

Remember, this is a daily journey. Step by step. Yes we fall. Yes we find ourselves camouflaged in our culture's norms. Yes we forget our worth. Yes we can crumple under the pressure. Yes we don't always get it right. And that's ok. That's part of the journey. Be kind to yourself as you figure it out.

>> How do/can you rebel against our culture's pressures? You go girl! We salute you 🎉👌💙😍💜👊💃.
💜Ruth x

5 Oct 2016.PNG

Sparkle Like No One Else

Yes you, sweet friend sparkle like no one else... If I prescribed to the world’s idea of beauty, I am not sure how I could get out of bed in the morning. Many days I wear yoga pants, big t-shirts, and my hair in a messy bun. I get zits, my hair normally needs to be washed, more days than not I don’t wear makeup, so if I spent my time following the world’s idea of beauty, why would I get out of bed. Frankly, I would be terrified I wouldn’t match up. But each day I get up, I fight the temptation to give into the lies of the world and I remember that I am fearfully and wonderfully made and am absolutely beautiful, no matter what my physical body looks like.

Honestly, I wish I could say that everyday, every hour, every minute, I believe this truth but I don’t and frankly some days are just harder than others. Some days I fight the lies of my past life and the lies of the world.

But I remember that I am aiming for grace, not perfection and each time I remember the truth and live in the truth, that is beauty. Beauty surrounds me in the smiling faces of those who love me as my messy broken self, beauty is in the scars of battles won, beauty is living in freedom. The world lies and tells us beauty is in the face but I am hear to tell you it is in the heart. Beauty is all around you and I dare you to see it and live in it this week. Whether you are wearing sweats, a prom dress, a swim suit, a wedding gown, or pajamas, you are beautiful. And in case no one has told you today, you are absolutely beautiful inside and out just the way you are. You my friend sparkle like no one else! - MK

4 Oct 2016.PNG

Progress Over Perfection

The illusion of perfection is that it will be everything you’ve ever wanted and more. Perfection says, that suddenly when you get there all will be right. However, what perfection doesn’t tell you is that it is not real. Nope not one thing about perfection is real. It's impossible. It can never be attained.

So what if today you strived for progress over perfection? What if you believed that first step was a big deal, that small change was actually huge? What if you believed that progress was even better than perfection? When progress becomes the goal over perfection you allow a whole more light and beauty to seep in to your life.

Instead of always feeling like you're constantly failing, you allow yourself to actually WIN - every step you make. Instead of being so focused on getting it right, you allow yourself to actually enjoy the journey - messes and all.

So let's aim for progress and celebrate each step. What's a step you can celebrate from last week with us? x

25 Aug 2016.PNG