The Grass Isn't Greener

The Grass Isn't Greener

Remember lovely, comparison steals what you already have, by wishing it was something else. Then you feel like you’ve got nothing - you don’t have what you’re wishing for and what you do have feels less then.

Being Our Own Cheerleader

Being Our Own Cheerleader

I know I have! Constantly criticizing, judging harshly, punishing, tearing down. How could we feel confident, when we keep beating ourselves up for being human. What if we were our greatest cheerleader - how different would we feel about ourselves??

Believe in You

Believe in You

We believe in YOU! But do you? Oh girl, I've been there. Thinking I didn't have what it takes, I wasn't enough, I've stuffed up too many times, I don't have what she has, I don't look like her, I've never done that before, I'm not worth it, no one sees me, what have I got to offer.

Talk To, Not About

Talk To, Not About

How many silly fights would be solved by this simple direction. Really, this is life changing. This is the main thing I hear in schools, “she said this...”, “someone told me she did that...”, “I don’t know why she’s acting like this...”

It is not the Critic who Counts

It is not the Critic who Counts

“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the one who is actually IN THE ARENA, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly;

Replacing Criticism with Compassion

Replacing Criticism with Compassion

I have a CONFESSION to make... I have been really struggling with how SELF-CRITICAL, condemning and harsh I am to myself. Saying things to myself that I would NEVER say to another person.

Hold onto the Process

Hold onto the Process

Change takes time. We can either fight it or embrace it. We can either hate the process, feeling like we’re failing each step, being so critical and have such unrealistic expectations. Oh yes, I can definitely do this 🤦‍♀️. OR we can fall in love 💜 with the process;