Right now! Not when you reach that goal, or stop that habit, or feel differently, or achieve more, or "fix" yourself, or have more, do more, be more, or work through your past, or get through this current hardship, or get seen and acknowledge by others.
Better Together
Generosity Can't Exist Without Boundaries
You Are Enough
Remember Your Worth & Value
Uniquely Wonderful
Storing Truths
Letting Go Of 'Should Be'
We all get trapped in "shoulds", "woulds", "what ifs"... but you don't have to be anything other than who you really are. I know I did this - I would try and change myself to what I thought others wanted, to fit in. Letting go of who I was to be like everyone else. But it was confusing, lonely, empty. I didn't feel accepted because I didn't accept myself.
You Define You
Whose Eyes Do You See Yourself Through
Be Kind to Yourself
No matter what you're facing right now, remember, you are MORE THAN ENOUGH! Whether you feel like you're failing (been there), don't know your next step, heartbroken, struggling to feel ok, overwhelmed, confused, hurting, empty or full... Nothing changes the fact that you have intrinsic worth and value. NOTHING! It's who you are.
Look Forward With Hope
You Matter
Because we need to remember that our worth and our value is not tied to a number...a number on our clothes, a number on the scale, or any number that we deem to be "perfect". As someone who spent years crying in dressing rooms, stepping on the scales multiple times a day, just trying to make it to a certain size, who was always trying to achieve that "perfect number", it is not worth it and it was never enough.