Just As You Are

Just As You Are

Right now! Not when you reach that goal, or stop that habit, or feel differently, or achieve more, or "fix" yourself, or have more, do more, be more, or work through your past, or get through this current hardship, or get seen and acknowledge by others.

Better Together

Better Together

“Of all the things I’ve done over the past year, asking for help is one of the things I’m most proud of. I’ve always prided myself on my ability to analyse and unpack stuff, but I can see now how important it was that I wasn’t the only head involved in that process.



How often do we look at other peoples' lives and wish ours were different. Comparing our bloopers with their highlight reel. Wishing away our unique talents and gifts for some of theirs. But lovely one, they are only showing us what they WANT us to see.

You Are Enough

You Are Enough

There are so many things we believe about ourselves that just isn't true. But you are not alone. 70% of girls BELIEVE they are not good enough or don't measure up in some way. This is what we are so passionate about changing.

Remember Your Worth & Value

Remember Your Worth & Value

Lovely one, it says way more about them then it does about you. Hurt people, hurt people. If someone can't see your worth, it's not because you don't have any. It's because they can't see their own worth so can't see yours.

Letting Go Of 'Should Be'

Letting Go Of 'Should Be'

We all get trapped in "shoulds", "woulds", "what ifs"... but you don't have to be anything other than who you really are. I know I did this - I would try and change myself to what I thought others wanted, to fit in. Letting go of who I was to be like everyone else. But it was confusing, lonely, empty. I didn't feel accepted because I didn't accept myself.

Whose Eyes Do You See Yourself Through

Whose Eyes Do You See Yourself Through

Oh lovely one, I've been there. I used to measure myself against how others treated me or what they said. Giving everyone the power to dictate how I felt about myself. But high school is not always filled with kind people wanting to encourage you.

Be Kind to Yourself

Be Kind to Yourself

No matter what you're facing right now, remember, you are MORE THAN ENOUGH! Whether you feel like you're failing (been there), don't know your next step, heartbroken, struggling to feel ok, overwhelmed, confused, hurting, empty or full... Nothing changes the fact that you have intrinsic worth and value. NOTHING! It's who you are.

You Matter

You Matter

Because we need to remember that our worth and our value is not tied to a number...a number on our clothes, a number on the scale, or any number that we deem to be "perfect". As someone who spent years crying in dressing rooms, stepping on the scales multiple times a day, just trying to make it to a certain size, who was always trying to achieve that "perfect number", it is not worth it and it was never enough.

Strength Finders

Strength Finders

Weaknesses are easy to find - in ourselves and others. But pointing out other people's weaknesses only highlights our own. It reveals our own insecurities. And you never really feel good after tearing someone down, but oh my do you feel good when you lift someone up.